Page 17 - CIWA-AR24
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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact
implementation to address the effects of
GESI—Institutions: GESI—Investments: inequalities related to gender and social
inclusion on livelihoods employment,
CIWA supports sustainable capacity CIWA influences regionally relevant assets, time use, and social norms. This will
building for institutions to adopt an water-related investments through design be measured by the indicator: Investments
integrated and comprehensive and implementation support to address or World Bank projects with improved
approach to gender and social inequalities related to gender and social stakeholder engagement that explicitly
inclusion. CIWA will provide technical inclusion on livelihoods, employment, support the incorporation of GESI into the
training and support to female engineers, assets, time use, and social norms. CIWA design or implementation beyond the ESF
hydrogeologists, and other relevant delivers Multi-Sector Investment of water management and development
stakeholders on GESI to improve Opportunity Analysis (MSIOAs), climate activities (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 6&7).
capacity to integrate gender equality. change adaptation plans, and other
Transboundary WRM institutions receive multisector investment plans that This will be measured by the indicator:
support to develop and implement incorporate gender-disaggregated
policies and plans that assess and adjust quantitative and qualitative data on Investments or World Bank
their work environments and hiring, livelihoods, water use, employment, and projects with improved
promotion, and retention practices to be stakeholder engagement that
more gender inclusive. CIWA influences i) assets and produces investment plans explicitly support the
increased capacity of transboundary that incorporate identification and incorporation of GESI into the
institutions to adopt an integrated and prioritization criteria that facilitate design or implementation
comprehensive approach to GESI, ii) an equitable and inclusive stakeholder input, beyond the ESF
increase in policies and plans that including from vulnerable populations.
integrate GESI considerations, and iii) an CIWA will influence investment design and (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 6 & 7).
improved enabling environment for
female staff to work in transboundary
water institutions.
This will be measured by the indicators:
Number of women in
high- or medium-skilled
and/or management
positions provided technical
support or trained in WRM
data use, information, or
decision support systems
(CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 2.b) and
Transboundary water
arrangements have integrated
GESI considerations
(CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 5).