Page 13 - CIWA-AR24
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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact

         Biodiversity and Conservation

                     he vision of the CIWA Biodiversity                        monitoring  to  support  national  and
               Framework    is    improved        Biodiversity—Information:    regional biodiversity reporting.
         transboundary water management that
         supports biodiversity conservation to   CIWA  collects,  enhances,  and  This will be measured by the indicator:
         ensure    more     climate-resilient  disseminates information to support
         communities  are better equipped to   integrated national and regional      People trained in sectors related
         plan for and mitigate climate-related   biodiversity management.  CIWA  will   to transboundary biodiversity
         shocks,  support  livelihoods, sustain   enhance policy and practice for    and conservation
         health and life, and improve economies.   effective integrated management of   (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 2).
         The  Biodiversity  Framework’s  ToC  environmental and social risks. CIWA
         explains how this vision will be achieved   influences  i)  effective  transboundary
         and aligns with the implementation of the   collaboration  and  strengthened  Biodiversity—Investments:
         three Is, the CIWA 2.0 ToC, and the World   governance and (ii) integration of
         Bank Scorecard.                    policies and land-use planning with
                                            biodiversity and ecological processes   CIWA  influences  regionally  relevant
         The Framework implements its vision   to protect key habitats.         water-related investments to increase
         through the following approaches that   This will be measured by the indicator:   portfolio  diversification  and  prioritize
         will  be  transformed  into  thematic                                  enhanced nature-positive investments.
         impact areas/outputs and activities       Transboundary water          CIWA will (i) implement land restoration
         for implementation:                       arrangements supported to    and improved management practices, (ii)
                                                   enhance biodiversity and     increase diversified community livelihood
                                                   conservation                 benefits,  and  iii)  support  nature-based
                 Actions:                                                       solutions for climate resilience. CIWA
                                                   (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 5).
                 Support the implementation                                     influences the planning and development
                 of key actions linked to the                                   of nature-positive investments.
                 three Is as part of the further   Biodiversity—Institutions:   This will be measured by the indicator:
                 development of the   program.
                                            CIWA supports sustainable capacity        Investments and World Bank
                 Influence:                  building for institutions so that policies   projects influenced to
                                            and land-use planning are integrated      enhance biodiversity and
                 Using its comparative      with  biodiversity  and  ecological       conservation benefits beyond
                 advantage, influence specific   processes to protect key habitats. CIWA   the Environmental and Social
                 outcomes as part of other   will support and enhance informed        Framework
                 programs funded by the     decision  making,  share  knowledge  and
                 World Bank and partners.   lessons learned, and influence integrated   (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 6 & 7).

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