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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact
CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact
CIWA supports the equitable provision serve the program well. However, to impactful CIWA operations that support
of regional public goods for poverty address these recommendations, and policy reforms, institution building, and
reduction and shared prosperity on a given the new World Bank Scorecard other results.
livable planet. Cooperation on (FY24-FY30), CIWA developed a 2.0
transboundary waters management is a Theory of Change and Results Framework In line with this, CIWA's process- and
prerequisite for achieving key regional around its cross-cutting themes. output-level indicators measure results
public goods such as conflict prevention, that can be directly attributed to a CIWA
biodiversity protection, and climate Alignment with the World operation, while impact and
resilience and for delivering on the higher-outcome indicators usually
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Bank’s Scorecard measure CIWA’s contribution as having
for economic development, poverty The new World Bank Scorecard influenced delivery of the result. CIWA’s
reduction, gender equality, and human FY24-FY30 places results in the revised Results Framework is directly linked
health. Regional challenges (e.g., climate development context of client countries. to select World Bank Scorecard indicators,
change, population growth, migration) CIWA shifted its 2.0 ToC and Results while other Scorecard indicator results will
that put pressure on regional public Framework to align with the Scorecard’s now be measured and aggregated through
goods require regional solutions. future independent MTRs.
principles. The Scorecard comprises
four building blocks: vision indicators,
CIWA’s last MTR (2022) concluded client context indicators, World Bank The GESI and Biodiversity Framework
that, in its purpose and design, CIWA results indicators, and results narratives. ToCs organize results according to the
has been a highly relevant and Vision indicators reflect the new vision three Is and whether they are a direct
responsive source of financial and for the World Bank, showing its ambition action or an influence of CIWA. The FCV
technical support in regions across and providing high-level measures to Framework and Climate Resilience
Africa and individual countries. It gauge the direction and pace of Assessment (in process) do not have
assessed impact and provided key progress in tackling global challenges. specific sub-ToCs, like GESI and
recommendations based on 112 Context indicators reflect the Biodiversity, but CIWA’s overall
stakeholder consultations and six case circumstances in client countries, 2.0 ToC (Figure 1) and Results Framework
studies. The evaluation found that CIWA including multidimensional aspects of capture relevant actions and results in
is realizing the World Bank's Regional poverty, and are aligned with the SDGs. those areas (Annex 2). The following
Integration strategies (World Bank pathways to impact illustrates how IR
Africa Strategy 2019-2023 and updated Indicators alone do not present the total indicators measure the pathways to
Regional Integration and Cooperation landscape of results. Results narratives achieving results on the three Is.
Assistance Strategy 2021-2023), given complement the indicators by connecting Investment-related IR indicators feed
that water is a key resource for bringing results to broader World Bank-supported into the PDO indicators and substantiate
improvements in cooperative water
people and countries together.
outcomes at the country and sector levels. management and development through
For CIWA, they describe the many CIWA.
The 2022 midterm review outlined 11 key
recommendations (Annex 6); three
pertained to program design
(paraphrased): i) The CIWA theory of
change (ToC) and Results Framework
should be refined to better measure
higher-level outcomes and reflect the
program’s focus on cross-cutting
priorities, ii) CIWA should track its results
over the lifetime of basin engagements,
beyond individual projects, and iii) CIWA
should further diversify its partners. The
suitability of CIWA’s program development
objective (PDO), regional outcomes,
modalities of action, and many
intermediate results indicators continue to
6 CIWA GESI Framework. 2024.
07 7 8 CIWA Biodiversity and Conservation Framework. 2024.
CIWA FCV Framework. 2024.