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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact

         Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

             he vision of the CIWA GESI     that were endorsed by their respective
                        Framework is equal and inclusive   senior managements.  GESI training was   GESI—Information:
         transboundary  water institutions  and   provided  to  three centers  (NELSAP,
         programs in SSA that are committed   ENTRO and LVBC) that was tailored to   CIWA  collects,  enhances,  and
         and able to create equal opportunities   each  participating  center.  It  included   disseminates  information  on
         for  women and men to be agents  of   core concepts for GESI in development   inequalities related to gender and
         change and decision makers in      work,  case study applications for   social  inclusion  to  guide  the
         transboundary  water   operations.   maximizing GESI in activity design and   development of equitable and inclusive
         Patriarchal  norms  and    gender  implementation,  and consideration of   solutions. CIWA will gather and analyze
         stereotypes reinforce gender inequality   institutional/workplace practices for   quantitative and qualitative data on GESI
         at the household, community, and work   improved GESI.                 inequalities to develop and disseminate
         levels, and discriminatory experiences                                 information aimed  at guiding the
         cause women to be underrepresented as   Activities incorporating explicit actions   development of equitable  and inclusive
         leaders  and  decision  makers  in  to challenge gender and social norms   solutions for women and men from
         transboundary   water    resources  can include training to foster an   diverse backgrounds in transboundary
         institutions. Without addressing harmful   understanding about how to address   water resources. CIWA supports decision
         patriarchal norms, women and men   patriarchal norms that can limit    makers and planners for regional WRM
         cannot participate equitably in WRM   women’s  representation  or  to  and development to have access to and
         fields,  and  gender-blind  investments   collaborate with  Equal  Aqua,   the   to integrate reliable, relevant, and timely
         propagate  these  inequalities.  This  World Bank platform that promotes   information about GESI that both affect
         transformative approach acknowledges   women’s empowerment and inclusion   and are affected by the intersection of
         the  need  to   undertake  multiple  in water-sector jobs.  It  could  include   potential  investments  and  climate
         interventions across  different sectors   creating mentorship opportunities or   change, biodiversity, livelihoods, and
         to  shift  deep-seated  norms that   internships for women and other   other crosscutting issues.
         impede women’s empowerment and     vulnerable populations. These activities,
         equitable participation as leaders and   such  as  providing  training  and  This will be measured by the indicator:
         decision makers.                   networking to women engineers or         Activities incorporating
                                            identifying men in the male-dominated    disaggregated quantitative and
         The nature of the integration of a GESI-  water  sector who are willing to take   qualitative information to
         responsive transformative approach   concrete steps to improve the enabling   challenge gender and social
         depends on the activity. If, for example,   environments for women at the   norms and increase women's
         the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is hosting the   institutional and programmatic level   representation and leadership
         Nile Basin Discourse Forum (NBDF), then   including  through  CIWA’s  Male  in technical fields related to
         integrating GESI could include such   Champions for Women’s Empowerment     transboundary water resources
         actions  as  facilitating  the  active  initiative,  are key to meaningful change.   management and development
         participation of women at all levels from   Similarly to the NCCR, the countries of   (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 4) and
         diverse backgrounds in the conference;   the Regional Climate Resilience Program
         inviting  relevant  women’s groups to   are also being trained in GESI and the   People trained on GESI in
         attend,    speak,    and      join  Equal  Aqua platform, and this year the   transboundary water resources
         community-based  organizations  and   support will be further scaled up with the   management and development
         NGO delegations; and advocating for the   Women in Water Resilience diagnostic.  (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 2.a).
         integration  of  GESI  in  the  program.  It
         could include offering day care services,
         providing ways for women to participate
         virtually,  performing  a  stakeholder
         satisfaction survey that disaggregates by
         gender and social groups, and developing
         a costed action plan that improves the
         enabling environment for women’s future
         participation. Moreover, each of the five
         agencies  implementing  the  Nile
         Cooperation for Climate Resilience
         (NCCR)project now has a gender focal
         point and gender engagement plans

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