Page 15 - CIWA-AR24
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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact
including in dam safety, floods, and resources (e.g., through diversification of
Climate Resilience—Institutions: droughts; and incorporation of water sources), reducing water losses,
climate-proofing into national and and/or improving cooperation on shared
CIWA supports sustainable capacity transboundary water basin planning. water resources), establishing core
building to strengthen adaptable protected areas and buffer zones to
institutions that enable robust water This will be measured by the indicator: safeguard biodiversity and ensure the
management amid growing uncertainty sustainable use of water to meet
from climate change and competing Transboundary basins with ecosystem-dependent livelihoods during
droughts, and improving dam safety. New
demands for water. CIWA will support an arrangement for climate- operations and pipeline projects will
WRM training and expertise to regional proofed water cooperation or i) increase support to develop NBS to
and national institutions and management and investment protect against flood risks; ii) improve
community-based organizations to planning influenced by CIWA resilience of infrastructure to floods
improve the climate resilience of water (e.g., bridges, water supply, community
systems and of people. (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 5) and infrastructure); and iii) protect or
reestablish wetlands.
The various reproductive and productive Institutions strengthened to
responsibilities that women undertake at improve regional cooperation This will be measured by the indicators:
both household and community levels,
such as their roles in agriculture, energy (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 1). Number of people supported
provision, cooking, and the management to better adapt to the effects
of water, sanitation, and waste, increase Climate Resilience—Investments: of climate change
their susceptibility to the effects of (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 8) and
climate change. CIWA’s support to
institutions to become more equitable CIWA influences regionally relevant Climate change mitigation or
and productive environments for women water-related investments by providing resilience benefits from
are core activities. CIWA also influences a platform for cooperation by which cooperative management and
institutional capacity around improved riparians can take a systems approach to development investments of
watershed, catchment, and wetlands water security and mitigate the international water resources
management, monitoring, planning, and transboundary consequences of climate influenced by CIWA
regulation; regional cooperation change. CIWA will influence supply- side
onwater-related disaster risk reduction management by expanding water (CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 9).