Page 19 - CIWA-AR24
P. 19
CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact
This will be measured by
disaggregating indicators that
assess capacity building by
whether participants are from
FCV-affected situations
(CIWA 2.0 IR indicators 2).
CIWA influences regionally relevant
water-related investments to support
stakeholders to identify drivers of
fragility and sources of resilience that
impact water cooperation to inform
cooperative investment identification
and design.
This will be measured by:
The number of people from
FCV-affected situations
supported to better adapt to
the effects of climate change
(disaggregate of CIWA 2.0 IR
indicator 8) and
CIWA-influenced cooperative
management and development
investments of international
water resources, which benefit
FCV-affected countries
(CIWA 2.0 IR indicator 7).