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CIWA 2.0: Pathways to Impact

         Support to FCV-Affected Regions

              IWA’s vision for its support to    Cooperation and Fragility, Conflict, and   2.  Contribute to peacebuilding and
            FCV-affected people is that     Violence are the key documents that    development.    Through   this
         investing in cooperative management   guide the World Bank’s engagement on   framework and the environmental
         of transboundary waters in basins   FCV. CIWA is well-positioned to support   and  social     safeguards
         affected by FCV will ease tensions,   African  governments  that  are     assessments, CIWA will identify
         promote stability, and build resilience   addressing FCV-related challenges, as   three components: i) drivers of
         to water shocks.                   many threats to growth and prosperity   fragility, ii) mitigation measures,
                                            are   related  to   national  and      and iii) the operation’s contribution
         CIWA’s FCV Framework provides World   transboundary waters (e.g., migration,   to peacebuilding and development.
         Bank  Task   Teams   step-by-step  floods,  droughts,  food  insecurity).
         guidance to enhance the effectiveness   CIWA’s nimble operational mechanisms,   3.  Generate knowledge. Contribute to
         of   CIWA-funded    activities  in  technical expertise, and convening    expanding the  knowledge  base on
         FCV-affected areas. It provides a   power make the program a core         transboundary waters management,
         methodology for systematically applying   resource to address some of the most   FCV, and peacebuilding.
         conflict sensitivity to project design. The   complex challenges in water security.
         Framework does not include an explicit
         Theory of Change, but one of CIWA’s   CIWA primarily works  with  regional   FCV—Information:
         overall regional outcomes is reduced risk   institutions and therefore can continue
         of  resource-related  conflict.  CIWA   WRM and development efforts even in   CIWA  collects,  enhances,  and
         influences how informed and prepared   basins where some member states are   disseminates information to enable
         people  are for  water  scarcity  by   temporarily, intermittently, or even   riparians  to  anticipate  their
         improving    resilience   through  consistently affected by FCV. The NBI   community-level water resources and
         transboundary cooperation on WRM   has supported the Nile basin through   mitigate conflicts from water scarcity
         and development.                   many transitions of member states in   or  insecurity.  CIWA  supports the
                                            and out of FCV and influenced mobilized   development and use of  climate,
         FCV is one of CIWA’s key cross-cutting   investments   that   directly   benefit   weather, and  water  monitoring and
         development priorities, along with   FCV-affected states. This is only possible   information systems by FCV-affected
         GESI, resilience to climate change, and   by sustaining long-term support and   communities and governments.
         biodiversity conservation. CIWA is one   leveraging  the  abilities  of
         of the  few  mechanisms  that  can   higher-capacity basin partners. CIWA   This will be measured by the indicators:
         maintain  support  to  destabilized  often complements recipient-executed
         countries through its work with regional   projects that are complex or in difficult   Improved data and information
         institutions and can leverage the   locations with Bank-executed grants so   systems that benefit people in
         broader region for capacity building   that the World Bank team can maximally   FCV-affected situations and
         when the time is right. There is a direct   support  implementation  and  help  are used by communities
         but complex interplay between FCV,   partner  institutions  address  their  (disaggregate of CIWA 2.0 IR
         GESI,  climate  change,  biodiversity, and   weaknesses and enhance capacity. One   indicator 3.a).
         political  economy  that  requires  example is CIWA’s support to the
         integrated approaches to development,   Government of Somalia through a
         and   transboundary   WRM    and   Bank-executed grant while providing the   FCV—Institutions:
         development exist at their intersection.   Intergovernmental  Authority  on
         This  Framework  also recognizes that   Development (IGAD) with recipient-   CIWA supports sustainable capacity
         women    and    other   vulnerable  executed funding in the Horn of Africa   building for institutions to assist
         populations tend to be more negatively   (HoA) Groundwater Initiative project.  FCV-affected  stakeholders  to
         affected in FCV contexts and are often                                 maintain and develop water resources
         underutilized change agents in FCV   Objectives of the CIWA FCV Framework:  despite  potential  setbacks  in
         situations.                                                            governance  or  violent  conflict.  CIWA
                                            1.  Not  contribute  to  conflict. To do   supports  capacity  building  of
         CIWA works in many FCV-affected        no  harm,  CIWA  will  purposefully   FCV-affected institutions and people
         countries in SSA included in the World   navigate issues to avoid supporting   to  monitor  and  use  their  water  and
         Bank’s annually updated list of Fragile   projects that could foreseeably   climate information. This enhances
         and  Conflict-affected  Situations. The   cause  or  exacerbate  conflict.   their  legitimacy  so  that  they  can
         World Bank Group Strategy for Fragility,   CIWA’s projects will exclusively   engage with other riparian countries
         Conflict, and Violence 2020-2025 and    pursue no-regret and win-win    on    joint   management     and
         the Bank Policy on Development         opportunities for development.   development plans on equal footing.

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