Page 9 - CIWA-AR24
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Setting CIWA up for integration programs; enhancing a CIWA is well-positioned to match the
bottom-up approach by expanding higher ambitions set out this year by the
continued success
work to elevate the role of communities World Bank’s leadership and the Bank’s
We took several key steps last year to and civil society in regional water new mission of achieving a world free of
position CIWA to build on its achievements resources management and security, poverty on a livable planet. This includes
in the years ahead. conflict prevention, and peace building; aligning our program with the World Bank’s
and democratizing information about Global Challenge Programs, including on
Following our 2022 mid-term review the regional public good of strengthening water security, increasing
(MTR), we have been working closely transboundary water resources. access to safe water supply, and
with donors, clients, World Bank experts, sanitation, and scaling up sustainable
and other partners to develop a robust CIWA also positioned itself for water management and disaster risk
pipeline, a revised Theory of Change, strengthened strategic work by reduction solutions.
and a new Results Framework (which we developing an FCV Framework,
are referring to as CIWA 2.0). The enhancing its Gender and Social
changes reflect the increasing pressure Inclusion (GESI) Framework, conducting a
on transboundary waters on the biodiversity assessment, and developing
continent, as a result of climate change, a Biodiversity Framework. It also
population pressures and conflicts, client conducted a climate change assessment In this era of
demand, greater strategic orientation, and of all its initiatives, which found, for example,
enhanced approaches to working on the that 26.4 million tons of CO equivalent relentless global
cross-cutting themes of biodiversity; (tCO2eq) of greenhouse gas (GHG)
climate resilience; gender and social emissions from six major hydropower challenges, we are
inclusion (GESI); and fragility, conflict, and investments influenced by CIWA can more committed
violence (FCV) as pathways to delivering potentially be mitigated each year.
results on the three Is (investments, than ever to
information, and institutions). Changes to Thanks to CIWA’s track record of
monitoring and evaluation indicators success, continued client demand, strengthening
provide alignment with the new World and strong donor interest, the World
Bank Scorecard and donor reporting Bank management endorsed CIWA cooperative water
needs; they also track higher-order receiving a five-year extension, from
impacts and better disaggregate CIWA’s 2026 to 2031. This will enable us to management on
beneficiaries. complete activities that are underway
and have more time to continue the continent.
In line with the pipeline fundraising for the new pipeline
projects, CIWA 2.0 calls projects. We are grateful for the
for a more diversified renewed support of our
investment portfolio longtime donors and pleased
that includes to have brought Austria on
groundwater resource board as a donor (see Annex 4
management, nature- for donor information).
based solutions (NBS),
biodiversity, and
livelihoods; scaling up
through seeking
synergies with
additional World
Bank International
Program Manager Deputy
Program Manager