Page 16 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
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CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment
Climate Resilience
Box 2: Kandadji Hydropower project
(Niger River Basin) Assessment Methodology
The Kandadji Dam is an example of a CIWA-influenced
hydropower project with major development The climate resilience analysis included two lines of
assessment: i) mapping the CIWA portfolio against a list
objectives around increased power generation,
irrigation, and job creation and significant GHG of climate adaptation indicators³⁰ and ii) a qualitative
mitigation benefits. Niger has one of the lowest mapping and description of CIWA-influenced climate
electrification rates in the world, at 10 percent of the adaptation investments.
population (less than 1 percent in rural areas), which
cripples advances in human and economic development. The climate adaptation indicator analysis reviewed
An estimated 1 million people will directly benefit from the individual components of 41 operations. CIWA-influenced
project. It is strategic to the development of Niger and operations were systematically analyzed, starting with key
the region. Upon completion and at maximum capacity, sources including Project Appraisal Documents (PADs),
the Kandadji Dam will increase Niger’s national electricity Implementation Status and Results Reports, and
production by over 50 percent. The cross-border nature Implementation Completion and Results Reports. Project
of the project also involves cooperation with neighboring
Mali, into which the 2.28 km2 reservoir will extend. The components that explicitly included climate resilience
project is being financed by World Bank and other actions were matched with one or more types of resilience
development partners including the African indicators (listed in Table 4). If some elements of a
Development Bank (AfDB), the Islamic Development Bank component were found to be linked to climate resilience,
(IsDB), and the French Development Agency (AFD). those were also matched with one or more climate
adaptation action indicators from the list.
The dam will provide not only climate-positive
energy generation, but also facilitate better basin Project components were qualitatively analyzed and
management will enhance environmental flows in matched to adaptation activities included in the World
the dry season, reliable municipal water supply for Bank's Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Co-
Niamey, and irrigate up to 45,000 hectares of land. benefits Tracking: Guidance Note for the Water Sector
The dam’s 130 MW hydropower plant component will
allow for GHG mitigation estimated at 381,840 tCO₂eq (Version 4).³¹ CIWA activities that increase resilience of
per year. This accounts for the final and second phase the project (and the infrastructure created by the
of the project involving a second elevation to 228m and project) or of the communities benefitting from the
an average annual generation of 660 GWh of electricity. project were included. The Guidance Note groups
adaptation activities into five categories: (i) sanitation
In 2018, CIWA supported the Kandadji hydropower and wastewater management; (ii) water supply; (iii) flood
project through an analysis of resettlement protection; (iv) wastewater collection, transportation,
practices.²⁸ The completed resettlement program for treatment, and disposal; and (v) general water, sanitation,
9,000 people at the dam site and the planned and flood protection and miscellaneous. Table 5 shows
reconstruction of Ayorou and resettlement programs the Guidance Note’s list of potential adaptation
for 50,000 people in the reservoir area represent activities/indicators and their categories (Box 2.1 in the
important, multi-faceted development opportunities
for impoverished local communities, including new Guidance note). This assessment used this list but added
roads, electricity, drinking water, schools, clinics, additional adaptation activities that were identified by
markets, and other community infrastructure and CIWA — (vi) dam safety and (vii) drought risk
services; 8,000 hectares of irrigated perimeters for management—to reflect the focus of CIWA operations on
displaced farmers; over 10,000 new houses; extensive these climate adaptation sectors. These are indicated in
agricultural and non-agricultural livelihood restoration Table 5.
programs, including training and employment
opportunities related to construction of new
resettlement sites; improved employment
opportunities, including jobs for women and youth; and
improved water infrastructure that will lead to better
health and education outcomes, contributing to
increased human capital.
The ESIA identified multiple opportunities to minimize
harms and even improve the environmental impacts
that affect climate resilience such as establishment of
the Kandadji National Nature Reserve and
Hippopotamus Sanctuary, building locks or fish ladders
for fish migration, controlling the proliferation of
invasive aquatic plants, and other actions to
regenerate ecosystems for local fauna and flora.
A fully functional grievance redress mechanism is in place
to address concerns raised by the project, however, it is
currently paused because of the July 2023 coup.²⁹
Kandadji Dam site, northwest of Niamey, Niger. ©World Bank
²⁸ Kandadji Niger Basin Water Resources Program. Brief. June 2020.
²⁹ Afrik21, 2023, Niger: Following the coup, CGGC Suspends Construction of the Kandadji Dam.
³⁰ Typology of Activities with Climate Co-Benefits by World Bank Sector.
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