Page 15 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
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CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

                                                                No  CIWA  operation  or  activity  directly  implements
                                                                significant  GHG  emissions  reduction.  Rather,  almost  all
                 The  studies  revealed  that  the  socioeconomic  climate mitigation results are linked to CIWA’s influence on
                 benefits derived from building the Fomi Dam in  downstream  or  concurrent  lending  projects.  As  shown  in
                 the designated site would be far outweighed by  Table  1,  climate  mitigation  influenced  by  CIWA  operations
                 adverse  social  and  environmental  impacts.  The  included  four  mobilized  and  two  potential  hydroelectric
                 dam construction in the original site would have  stations.  The  cumulative  installed  capacity  of  mobilized
                 displaced 60,000 people in two towns that have  CIWA-influenced  hydropower  investments  amounts  to
                 hospitals and schools. The project attempted to  2,379  MW,  which  corresponds  to  about  5.66  percent  of
                 balance   climate   mitigation   benefits   from  Africa’s overall hydropower capacity (42 GW). These are the
                 hydropower  against  losses  of  biodiversity  and  most readily quantifiable of CIWA’s activities; CIWA also has
                 livelihoods. Members of the Fomi Inter-ministerial  operations and influenced projects that incorporated solar-
                 Committee  agreed  to  find  a  different  site  with  powered  pumps  for  groundwater  extraction  or  irrigation,
                 fewer  adverse  impacts.  An  alternative  site,  which  but  these  are  generally  on  a  very  small  scale  and  not
                 will  mean  the  relocation  of  12,000  people,  was
                 found  (CIWA  was  not  involved  in  identifying  the  quantified for this report (see Table 3).²⁷ The active BETF,
                 new site).                                     Untapping  Resilience:  Groundwater  Management  and
                                                                Learning in the Horn of Africa's Borderlands, is on track to
                 Ultimately, these activities illustrate the potential  support  larger  investments  in  groundwater  solar  pumps
                 pros  and  cons  of  large  dam  investments;  the  across the HoA borderlands through the World Bank’s HoA
                 benefits   of   producing   electricity   through  Groundwater  for  Resilience  program.  CIWA’s  other
                 hydropower did not accrue, however, people and  mitigation   activities   include   influencing   potential
                 ecosystems   were   spared   disproportionate  investments  in  grid  interconnection  expansion  supporting
                 negative externalities.                        accounting and management of biodiversity, wetlands, and
                                                                ecosystem  services,  and  potential  investments  in
                                                                watershed management and rehabilitation.

             Cattle grazing beside the Sélingué reservoir, Mali. ©Marisa Goulden  / International Alert

             ²⁷ Operations include Sustainable Groundwater Management in SADC Member States Phase 1 and 2, Sahel Groundwater Initiative, and Untapping Resilience.
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