Page 11 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 11

CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

             Analysis and Results

             For  the  quantitative  analysis,  the  investment  and  The analysis covers the Kariba Dam The analysis covers the
             projects  considered  include  greenfield  hydropower  Kariba  Rehabilitation,  Kandadji  Dam,  Batoka  Hydroelectric
             plants and rehabilitation of existing dams. A distinction  Scheme,  Nsongezi  Hydropower  project,  Rusumo  Falls
             is  made  between  potential  investments—that  is,  Hydroelectric  Scheme,  and  Luapula  Transfer.  Table  1
             investment opportunities explored by feasibility studies  summarizes  the  main  characteristics  of  these  hydropower
             or  ESIAs  sponsored  by  CIWA  but  not  yet  realized—and  plants,  the  amount  of  GHG  mitigation  expected,  and  how
             mobilized investments.                             CIWA influenced these potential and mobilized investments.

             Table 1: CIWA-influenced hydropower projects.

                                          Kariba Dam                               Rusumo Falls
              Characteristics  Batoka Gorge           Luapula Transfer  Kandadji Dam            Nsongezi Dam
                                         Rehabilitation                              Hydro

              Countries      Zambia, Zimbabwe    Zambia, Zimbabwe    Zambia, DRC    Niger, Nigeria    Burundi, Rwanda,    Uganda, Tanzania
              Benefiting                                                             Tanzania

              Greenfield /     Greenfield  Rehabilitation    Greenfield    Greenfield    Greenfield    Greenfield

              Potential /       Potential   Mobilized    Potential     Mobilized     Mobilized    Mobilized

              Installed         2,400        2,130²⁴       789           130           80           39
              capacity (MW)

              Reservoir area      23          5,500          0            2.28           0            0

              generated        10,215,000      10,035,000     3,877,000     225,000      448,000     273,312
              Grid Emissions
              Factor            0.996          0.996        0.9958        0.578        0.767         0.274
              GHG emissions
              from reservoir     3,345        799,986        0            332            0            0
              Mitigated CO₂ per
              year             10,168,752     9,192,867    3,860,717     129,718        343,616       74,887
                           Analyzed financial  Produced studies  Explored potential  Supported  Supported NBI to  Conducted
                           implications of the  on rehabilitation of  cooperative legal  analytical study of  convene  pre-feasibility of
                           investment,  the dam that led to  and institutional  resettlement best  stakeholders for  project profile
                           facilitated  the decision to  arrangements for a  practices.  mobilization,  and coordinated
                           negotiations to  invest in safety and  future Luapula River      planning, and  resource
                           review findings and  reliability  Authority.          creation of the  mobilization,
              CIWA’s influence  encourage renewal  improvements.                 resettlement action  institutional
                           of the project,                                       plans.        support, and
                           additional                                                          facilitation of
                           engineering studies,                                                stakeholder
                           and investment                                                      engagement

             Note: Kariba Dam refers to consolidated hydropower capacity (e.g., both Kariba North and South); Kandadji refers to the completed dam (including
             after rehabilitation, e.g., elevation increases from 224 to 228m) and hydropower project. The electricity generated and associated GHGs mitigated
             corresponds  to  only  the  additional  electricity  generated  following  this  rehabilitation;  Luapula,  Rusumo  Falls  and  Nsongezi  are  run-of-river
             hydropower plants.

             ²⁴ Of the 2,130MW installed, 1,080 is for Kariba North (in Zambia), and 1,050 MW for Kariba South (in Zimbabwe). The only extension in capacity occurring during CIWA operations is
             the 300MW Kariba South Extension (which together with the existing 750MW add up to the 1,050MW). However, given that the rehabilitation work was related to dam safety and
             not the additional 300MW, we have used a "no dam" scenario rather than focusing on the additional capacity. The mitigated GHG is therefore for the entire 2,130MW, given that the
             work influences the entire dam, and consequently the two associated hydropower plants.
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