Page 13 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
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CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment
Table 4: CIWA-influenced Investments with GHG-reducing Benefits
No. Mitigation Investment Project Title
1 Batoka Gorge HES* Zambezi River Basin Development
project (P133380)
Zambezi River Basin Management
2 Kariba Dam Rehabilitation* project (P143546)
3 Nsongezi HP Project *
4 Power Expansion Plan and Regional Integration Plan of South Sudan into Nile Cooperation for Results
Regional Electricity Grid project (P130694)
5 Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project *
6 Kabuyanda, Uganda: hydropower 0.1 MW
Lerekwe and Sio-Sanga, Kenya: hydropower 0.05 MW and 0.1 MW; storage
6.2 MCM and 5.8 MW
8 Mara Valley, Tanzania: hydropower of 6 MW; storage: 30MCM
Additional financing for Nile
Cooperation for Results (P147218)
9 Ngono Valley, Tanzania: hydropower of 14.5 GWh/yr
10 Ruvyironza, Burundi: hydropower of 22 MW; storage 372.6 MCM
11 Muvumba Irrigation Development and Watershed Management project. A
proposed 3MW multipurpose dam in Eastern Rwanda.
Second additional financing for
12 Installation and interconnection of thousands of megawatts of power the Nile Cooperation for Results
project (P162304)
13 Kandadji Dam*
Niger River Basin Management
Project (P149714)
14 Niger CRIP (172 priority actions focusing on knowledge and institutions and
climate vulnerability)
15 Luapula Hydro Power Project (HPP)* Luapula River Basin Development
Cubango-Okavango Resilient
16 28 potential hydropower projects identified for development within the Livelihoods Enhancement
Cubango Okavango basin
Program (P167308)
Note: Projects marked with * have been included in the GHG mitigation analysis conducted in this study.