Page 21 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
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CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

             Pathways for Improved                              In the Nile River Basin, Horn of Africa, Zambezi River Basin,
                                                                and  Lake  Chad  Basin,  CIWA  supported  the  design  of
             Climate Resilience                                 hydrometeorological   monitoring   systems   and/or
                                                                generation of hydromet data through remote sensing to
                                                                enhance  water  resource  management  through  better
             Sustainable water management is central to building  data  on  basin  water  availability  and  use.  In  the  Nile  and
             the  resilience  of  societies  and  ecosystems  and  to  Zambezi  River  Basins,  CIWA  supported  the  establishment
             reducing  carbon  emissions.  In  the  water  sector,  and/or  maintenance  of  decision-support  systems  (DSSs)
             activities  to  improve  water  resources  management  or  that  have  been  used  by  RBOs  to  provide  information
             development  are  often  synonymous  with  climate  services to its member countries and, in some cases, inform
             resilience  by  improving  resilience  to  the  impacts  of  the identification of investments. In Southern Africa and the
             climate  change  such  as  flood  and  drought  risk  Nile  River  Basin,  CIWA  supported  the  development  of
             management,  enhancing  efficiency  in  water  uses  such  information systems on floods and droughts (in the Nile River
             as   irrigation,   reusing   wastewater,   harnessing  Basin)  and  groundwater  (in  Southern  Africa)  shared  with
             groundwater, improving carbon storage, and protecting  member countries through integrated knowledge portals. In
             natural  buffers.  When  water  storage,  supply,  use,  and  addition,  in  Southern  Africa,  SADRI  supported  the
             quality  are  sustainable,  reliable,  and  sufficient,  then  development  of  drought  resilience  profiles  for  SADC
             people  and  ecosystems  are  more  resilient  to  the  member  states  and  a  regional  profile  that  captures
             effects of climate change. For example, improved WRM  commonalities and key opportunities across the 16 countries
             and development also contributes to mitigating climate  while  also  providing  information  that  supports  the
             change  itself  by  protecting  ecosystems  and  reducing  identification  of  regional  drought  risk  management
             carbon   emissions   from   water   and   sanitation  investment  opportunities,  including  in  ecosystem  services
             transportation and treatment.                      and biodiversity.

             Needs Assessment Workshop for the development of Decision-Support Tools for Optimization of Zambezi Dam Operations (under the
             CIWA-funded Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative (SADRI). ©SADRI / World Bank

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