Page 25 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 25

Case Study – Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project

             Meanwhile, Kariba Lake provides an invaluable source of  their  responses  to  the  changing  climate  and  better
             water storage for human use, fisheries, and agriculture,  manage  shared  resources  to  make  their  populations
             which  is  critically  important  to  mitigate  the  effects  of  more  resilient.  Considering  the  ongoing  impacts  of
             the  drought  in  the  region.  The  dam  also  allows  for  flow  droughts,  the  Kariba  Dam  has  helped  spearhead
             regulation  throughout  the  year,  ensuring  downstream  cooperation and discussion between Zambia, Zimbabwe,
             water flow during moderately dry times.            and the respective power utilities in terms of optimizing
                                                                available water resources. CIWA support to the ZRA also
             Going  forward,  the  improvement  of  cooperation  included the financing of a feasibility study and ESIA for
             between Zambia and Zimbabwe through the ZRA might  the  Batoka  Gorge  HES.  This  potential  joint  project
             be  one  of  the  most  important  long-term  benefits  upstream  of  Kariba  would  contribute  to  improving
             achieved by CIWA. Cooperation on international waters  electricity  access,  reducing  blackouts,  and  improving
             contributes to climate resilience, as countries coordinate   regional energy security.

              Earthworks on the banks of the Zambezi River, Zambia. ©Arne Hoel

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