Page 23 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 23
Biodiversity & Conservation Framework
Assessment – West & Central Africa
Linkages - Linkages -
Thematic Area CIWA Activity Link - Biodiversity Action
Direct Indirect
Expansion and rehabilitation of water-related observation networks, and related Data gathering, inventories, x
information systems, and the development of decision-making tools. analytical & technical support
Data gathering, inventories,
analytical & technical support
Decision-making tools
knowledge-sharing and exchange
The Sahel Groundwater Initiative strengthens the foundation for enhanced Improved ecosystem integrity,
groundwater knowledge and management capacity in the Western Sahel, x
including groundwater-dependent ecosystems. species diversity & connectivity
Groundwater protection &
Groundwater & surface water
environmental flows
Data gathering, inventories,
analytical & technical support
Decision-making tools
Development of an advanced model for ecosystem services in the Inner knowledge-sharing and exchange
Information Niger Delta. The model will make it possible to infer the evolution of water x x
height over time as a function of inflow, including when influenced by an Natural capital & provision of
upstream reservoir (such as a large dam).
ecosystems services
Improved ecosystem integrity,
species diversity & connectivity
CIWA funding enabled VBA to disseminate a multitude of knowledge x
products to support decision-making. Decision-making tools
Lake Chad Dialogue helped member states and LCBC better understand knowledge-sharing and exchange x
the lake’s characteristics and dynamics.
Technical assistance to LCBC enabled riparian member states to make informed Data gathering, inventories,
decisions for optimal resource utilization at the basin level and build and analytical & technical support x
improve hydrological data, forecasting, knowledge, and tools. Decision-making tools
Data gathering, inventories,
analytical & technical support
CIWA supports the implementation of an integrated approach to the Decision-making tools
development of a water security program in the Lake Chad Basin. This knowledge-sharing and exchange x
includes looking at the potential for Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as a key Natural capital & provision of
instrument for such an integrated approach. ecosystems services Improved
ecosystem integrity, species
diversity & connectivity
Linkages - Linkages -
Thematic Area CIWA Activity Link - Biodiversity Action
Direct Indirect
Improved / strengthened
Long-term strengthening of river basin organizations in Niger and governance & transboundary
Senegal Basins, including staff training, information and decision-support collaboration x
tools and transboundary legal instruments to promote shared water
development and management. Improved ecosystem-based
policies, planning & regulations
Financing feasibility studies (including ESIAs) to minimize the social and
environmental risks inherent to large infrastructure development
projects. This included the financing of a decision-making process on the Environmental, Social and x
Governance Safeguards
significant environmental and social risks associated with the location of the
Fomi dam in Guinea, which led to a decision to find a new site.