Page 27 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 27

Biodiversity & Conservation Framework

                                                                        Data gathering, inventories,
                                                                        analytical & technical support
                        SADC-GMI is working with the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) to
                        implement the AMCOW Pan-African Groundwater Program (APAGroP) and is  Decision-making tools   X
                        leading the Groundwater Governance Working Group to implement APAGroP.
                                                                        knowledge-sharing and
                        SADC-GMI hosted project- based internships for young professionals from  Data gathering, inventories,
                        member states. The projects were related to collecting and managing  analytical & technical support
                        data, expanding the SADC Groundwater Information Portal, and     Decision-making tools   X
                        broadening the Groundwater Grey Literature Archive. The project has
                        helped strengthen SADC GMI’s institutional capacity by forging  knowledge-sharing and
                        strategic partnerships with regional and international water institutions.   exchange

                                                                        Data gathering, inventories,
                                                                        analytical & technical support

                                                                        Decision-making tools
                        The SADC-GMI implemented five joint activities to advance knowledge on
                        transboundary and national groundwater. The institute contracted the  knowledge-sharing and
               Institutions  International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to implement the  exchange
                        Conjunctive Water Resources Management Research project on the         X       X
                        Shire River Basin. A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic  Natural capital & provision of
                        Action Plan are under development for the Tuli-Karo, which includes work  ecosystems services
                        on GDEs. Other preparation work is under way regarding the Eastern
                        Kalahari, Ramotwsa, and Strampriet TBAs.        Improved ecosystem integrity,
                                                                        species diversity & connectivity
                                                                        Groundwater protection &
                        SADC-GMI produced Gap Analysis Reports for each member state,
                        guidelines for groundwater management, roadmaps for institutional  Data gathering, inventories,
                                                                        analytical & technical support
                        frameworks in Eswatini and Tanzania, and three strategic analyses to
                        support the evidence base for cooperation (an SADC Drought risk     knowledge-sharing and  X
                        assessment, a Big Data Transboundary Water Cooperation study, and an  exchange
                        OKACOM Groundwater Assessment)
                                                                        Data gathering, inventories,
                        SADC-GMI participated in eight regional or international research platforms  analytical & technical support
                        where it disseminated research results pertaining to groundwater
                        management in SADC member states.               knowledge-sharing and


               Thematic                                                                      Linkages  Linkages
                 Area                     CIWA Activity                 Link - Biodiversity Action  - Direct  - Indirect

                                                                         Data gathering, inventories,
                                                                         analytical & technical support

                                                                         Decision-making tools

                         Development of the Multi-Sector Investment Opportunities Analysis (MSIOA).  knowledge-sharing and
                         The MSIOA is part of a systematic strategy by the Permanent Okavango River  exchange
                         Basin Water Commission (OKACOM). The joint actions identified through the  Natural capital & provision of
                         MSIOA inform the Sustainable and Equitable Climate Resilient Investment  ecosystems services   X  X
                         Program and are structured around the following three key areas: climate-
                         resilient livelihoods enhancement, enhancing eco-tourism, and joint  Improved ecosystem integrity,
               Investments  infrastructure development.                  species diversity & connectivity
                                                                         Role of climate change
                                                                         adaption in current freshwater
                                                                         resource planning and

                         The Zambezi River Basin Development Project supported preparation for
                         infrastructure development, including detailed feasibility, environmental,
                         and social studies, and provided transaction advisory services for the  Environmental, Social and  X
                                                                         Governance Safeguards
                         Batoka Gorge Hydroelectric Power Station, a 2,400 MW project on the
                         Zambezi River upstream of the Kariba Dam.

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