Page 24 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 24

Biodiversity & Conservation Framework

                        Feasibility studies up to detailed design, including ESIA, for Kandadji,  Environmental, Social and  x
                        Taoussa, Fomi and Soukuru dams.                 Governance Safeguards
                        Smaller-scale investments contribute to strengthening the legitimacy of  Improved / strengthened
                        OMVS and NBA, respectively, and keeping member countries committed to          x
                        actively participating in the shared development and management of  governance & transboundary
                        basin water resources.
                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                        Development, adoption and implementation of essential tools for the shared
                        management and development of the basin water resources, including  governance & transboundary
                        financing the Senegal River Master Plan. It is the key mechanism for countries to  x  x
                        agree upon the future multisectoral water development and allocation in the basin,
                        and update of the 10-year Master Plan, which includes addressing the  Improved ecosystem-based
                                                                        policies, planning &
                        environmental priorities introduced by the 2002 Water Charter.
                        CIWA facilitated the preparation and validation process of the Water  Improved / strengthened
                        Charter and several of its Annexes, complementing the rules of the game  governance & transboundary  x
                        for transboundary water management in the basin.  collaboration
                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                                                                        governance & transboundary
                        Climate Resilience Investment Plan (CRIP) which was endorsed by
                        Heads of States in November 2015 and presented at COP21 in Paris and           x
                        helped basin countries raise more than $300m financing for climate resilient  Role of climate change adaption
                                                                        in current freshwater resource
                                                                        planning and management
                                                                        Decision-making tools
                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                        The Volta River Basin Strategic Action Plan Implementation Project was  governance & transboundary
                        launched in 2015 to improve VBA’s capacity to promote transboundary  collaboration
                        water resources management. The Strategic Action Plan was developed    x       x
                        to provide direct environmental and livelihood benefits through the  Improved ecosystem-based
                        implementation of priority actions and institutional development.  policies, planning &
                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                                                                        governance & transboundary
                        VBA facilitated ratification of a Water Charter to strengthen the legal and  collaboration
                        institutional framework for sustainable management of basin water      X       X
                        and associated environmental resources.         Improved ecosystem-based
                                                                        policies, planning &
                        VBA helped build the capacity of national institutions to sustainably  Improved / strengthened
                        implement the Strategic Action Plan by facilitating dialogue,  governance & transboundary  X
                        communication, and project monitoring.          collaboration

                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                                                                        governance & transboundary
                        VBA imparted knowledge and built capacity by training over 200 CSOs
                        across six countries and offering mini-grants to projects in forestry,  Improved ecosystem-based  X  X
                        biodiversity, and other environmental sciences.   policies, planning & regulations
                                                                        knowledge-sharing and

                                                                        Improved / strengthened
                                                                        governance & transboundary
                        LCBC has secured multiple investments for basin development and set the stage
                        for a regional cooperation platform. Enabling this progress was the Lake Chad  Role of climate change adaption  X
                        Development and Climate Resilience Action Plan, prepared and disseminated
                        at the 2015 Conference of the Parties, or COP 21 meeting, in Paris.  in current freshwater resource
                                                                        planning and management
                                                                        Decision-making tools
                        CIWA is developing a framework and a series of replicable methods for
                        creating a cohesive water management policy and a pipeline of  Improved / strengthened
                        investments for the region. The Improving Water Resources Management  governance & transboundary  X
                        in West and Central Sahel Technical Assistance initiative is designed to
                        strengthen water resources management in the region by identifying  collaboration=
                        pragmatic investments and policy actions.

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