Page 22 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 22

Biodiversity & Conservation Framework

                         Feasibility studies, detailed designs and tender documents preparation in  Environmental, Social and  x
                         irrigation, hydropower and watershed management and the associated ESIAs  Governance Safeguards

                                                                         Improved ecosystem-based
                         Strengthening regional inter-sectoral coordination with national Sector-  policies, planning &  x
                         Wide Approach to Planning (SWAP);
                                                                         Improved / strengthened
                         Supporting the NBI to host Strategic Dialogues, including the Annual Nile  governance & transboundary  x
                         Day and the Nile Basin Development Forum

                                                                         Improved ecosystem-based
                         Supporting strategic fora such as policy dialogues, which helped  policies, planning &  x
               Institutions  harmonize fishery legislation and relations between Uganda and the DRC
                                                                         Improved / strengthened
                         Networks of environmental and social specialists that have been  governance & transboundary  x
                         assisting ENTRO strengthened through an intensive training program
                                                                         Improved / strengthened
                         Support engagement with inter-ministerial mechanisms at the national           x
                         level on these issues                           governance & transboundary
                         Support the development of Catchment Management Plans for Middle  Improved ecosystem-based
                         Malakisi in the Sio-Malaba Malakisi sub-basin and the Ol Choro Lemek in  policies, planning &  x
                         the Mara sub-basin                              regulations


               Thematic                   CIWA Activity                 Link - Biodiversity Action  Linkages  Linkages
                 Area                                                                        - Direct  - Indirect

                                                                         Natural capital & provision of
                                                                         ecosystems services
                         Four Eastern Nile watershed management projects were prepared to the
                         design phase, delivered to the countries, and implemented with NCORE  Improved ecosystem  x
                                                                         integrity, species diversity &
                         Promoting climate resilient catalytic and transformative investment  Natural capital & provision of
                         opportunities. Specific activities included capacity building of the NEL
                         riparian member states in general and basin water offices specifically (or  ecosystems services
                         water management zones and basin water boards) on: i) water resources  Improved ecosystem  x
                         allocations; ii) dam safety and reservoir operations; iii) flood
                         management; and iv) implementation of Catchment Management Plans  integrity, species diversity &
               Investments  Support feasibility study preparation, ESIA/RAP assessments, and detailed  Environmental, Social and  x
                         designs and tender documents for 4 transboundary-relevant investments  Governance Safeguards

                                                                         Natural capital & provision of
                                                                         ecosystems services
                         Facilitating more holistic approaches to preparing and operating water
                         investments, to better take into consideration environmental and      x
                         social issues                                   Improved ecosystem
                                                                         integrity, species diversity &

                         Fund the preparation of future cooperative investments in watershed  Natural capital & provision of
                         management. Through its Cooperative Regional Assessment in  ecosystems services
                         Watershed Management, ENTRO has already identified the most critical  x
                         high erosion hot spots in the region, which are experiencing the most  Improved ecosystem
                         extensive degradation and are causing downstream sediment  integrity, species diversity &
                         management issues.                              connectivity

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