Page 25 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 25

Biodiversity & Conservation Framework


               Thematic                   CIWA Activity                 Link - Biodiversity Action  Linkages  Linkages
                 Area                                                                        - Direct  - Indirect
                         Smaller-scale structural and non-structural investments for generating  Sustainable agricultural
                         quick, tangible benefits to the basins’ stakeholders—mostly focused on  practices
                         irrigated agriculture (including flood recession irrigation), fishery and     X
                         aquaculture with the aim of improving livelihoods and food security,  Sustainable resource
                         and contributing to a reduction in poverty and malnutrition.  harvesting

                                                                         Natural capital & provision of
                                                                         ecosystems services
                         Small-scale structural and non-structural investments for reducing
                         environmental degradation, including watershed management, river      X
                         bank restoration and protection.                Improved ecosystem
                                                                         integrity, species diversity &
                         Investments on the ground significantly benefitted the basin’s population,
                         including increases in rural incomes and food security through the  Sustainable agricultural  X
                         rehabilitation/modernization of 20,000 ha of irrigated land benefitting  practices
                         60,000 farmers.

               Investments                                               Sustainable agricultural
                         Restoration of degraded land restored through agroforestry and other
                         interventions; control and clearance of invasive aquatic species which  Sustainable resource  X  X
                         has boosted the development of the fisheries sector at these locations, in
                         addition to better supplying downstream irrigation schemes.
                                                                         Improved ecosystem
                                                                         integrity, species diversity &
                                                                         Improved / strengthened
                                                                         governance & transboundary
                         LCBC has secured multiple investments for basin development and set the
                         stage for a regional cooperation platform. Enabling this progress was the
                         Lake Chad Development and Climate Resilience Action Plan, prepared  Role of climate change  X
                                                                         adaption in current
                         and disseminated at the 2015 Conference of the Parties, or COP 21  freshwater resource planning
                         meeting, in Paris.
                                                                         and management
                                                                         Decision-making tools
             Assessment – Southern Africa


               Thematic                   CIWA Activity                 Link - Biodiversity Action  Linkages  Linkages
                 Area                                                                        - Direct  - Indirect

                                                                         Data gathering, inventories,
                                                                         analytical & technical support

                                                                         Decision-making tools
                                                                         knowledge-sharing and
                         Development of the Multi-Sector Investment Opportunities Analysis  exchange
                         (MSIOA). The MSIOA is part of a systematic strategy by the Permanent
                         Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM). The joint actions  Natural capital & provision of
               Information  identified through the MSIOA inform the Sustainable and Equitable  ecosystems services   X  X
                         Climate Resilient Investment Program and are structured around the
                         following three key areas: climate-resilient livelihoods enhancement,  Improved ecosystem
                         enhancing eco-tourism, and joint infrastructure development.  integrity, species diversity &
                                                                         Role of climate change
                                                                         adaption in current
                                                                         freshwater resource planning
                                                                         and management

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