Page 21 - Biodiversity and Conservation Framework
P. 21
Biodiversity & Conservation Framework
Annex C - Desktop Assessment
Assessment – East Africa
Thematic Linkages - Linkages -
Area CIWA Activity Link - Biodiversity Action Direct Indirect
Improve the knowledge and analytical foundation for developing a shared
understanding of the Nile Basin issues and cooperative water resources Data gathering, inventories, x
analytical & technical support
development and management options in the Basin
Technical analyses to explore impacts of climate change on Nile Basin water Role of climate change
resources and development of climate change resilient water resources adaption in current freshwater x
resource planning and
management options. management
Technical and operational support to enhance application of the Nile Basin Decision Decision-making tools x
Support System (DSS), and technical Help Desk services for the DSS user community
Basin-wide hydromet network to build a shared information base that can
inform evaluation of trade-offs related to hydropower, agriculture, and flood knowledge-sharing and x
control at basin scale
Improved ecosystem integrity
Great Lakes Water Quality, including analyzing the drivers of water pollution and connectivity.
and how they intersect with fragility, human capital, and climate resilience x
using remotely sensed data on water quality Groundwater protection &
Technical support in improving dam safety in the Eastern Nile, including
building technical capacity and establishing national and regional dam safety Data gathering, inventories, x
analytical & technical support
Regional flood forecasts in the Eastern Nile region, improving and scaling up knowledge-sharing and x
flood preparedness and early warning activities. exchange
Flagship knowledge and communications products, such as the Nile Basin Data gathering, inventories,
Water Resources Atlas; strategic and planning documents, including the analytical & technical support x x
Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Strategy, Wetlands Strategy, Financing knowledge-sharing and
Strategy 2018 – 2022, and the Resource Mobilization Action Plan exchange
Data gathering, inventories,
analytical & technical support
The Horn of Africa Groundwater Initiative aims to expand the knowledge base Decision-making tools
on regional groundwater resources, including evidence-based joint planning knowledge-sharing and exchange x x
and decision-making about natural resources including livestock and crops, and Groundwater protection &
water resources management. recharge
Groundwater & surface water
environmental flows
Thematic Linkages - Linkages -
Area CIWA Activity Link - Biodiversity Action Direct Indirect
Facilitate basin-wide cooperative activities, including events for governance Improved / strengthened
bodies and stakeholders to facilitate riparian awareness-building, dialogue, governance & transboundary x
cooperation, and resource mobilization. collaboration
Institutions Improve NBI linkages to relevant national and other regional / international- Improved / strengthened x
governance & transboundary
level institutions collaboration
Undertaking feasibility, ESIAs/RAP studies for water infrastructure projects Environmental, Social and x
prioritized by the riparian countries Governance Safeguards