Page 106 - CIWA-AR24
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FY24 Actual: 7. Investments with 9. Climate change
• Review of the SADC Regional Water regional benefits that mitigation or adaptation
Policy (2005) to accommodate have been advanced benefits from cooperative
through CIWA support
groundwater and other emerging management and
regional priorities. development investments
FY23 Baseline: and CIWA activities.
• East African Community (EAC) Water See Tables A2.1 and A2.2.
Quality policy, which includes GESI FY23 Baseline: N/A
and biodiversity considerations. FY24 Actual:
CIWA has provided technical advice on FY24 Actual:
• Water Quality Management the tendering of engineering designs to
Strategy for the Nile Equatorial the first batch of Ethiopian water • Improved water supply and water
Lakes and its Action Plan, which schemes implemented through the HoA quality in Ethiopia borderlands.
includes climate resilience and Groundwater for Resilience phase 1 • Improved groundwater supply and
biodiversity considerations. program. This was influenced by work in management in SADC member states.
the Untapping Resilience technical • Enhanced flood early-warning
assistance. Sustainable Groundwater systems in the Eastern Nile.
FY25 Target:
Management in the SADC Member States
SADC-GMI will roll out implementation phase 2 project added 12 subgrants for FY25 Target:
of the Policy, Legal, and Institutional national groundwater investments. • Additional groundwater investments
Framework for sustainable groundwater in the HoA borderlands.
development in the member states that FY25 Target: • Implementation of additional
have developed framework roadmaps. Possibly any of the four water quality groundwater investments through
hotspots in Ethiopia, South Sudan, South subgrants in the SADC program.
Sudan, and Tanzania or through NCCR will • Enhanced flood early-warning
6. World Bank projects be taken up in a near-future project. FY25 system in NEL.
informed by CIWA will likely have additional investments
influenced by Untapping Resilience and • Nile Basin drought early-warning
Sustainable Groundwater Management in system available.
FY24 Baseline: (See table A.2.) the SADC Member States phase 2 projects.
FY24 Actual: 8. Number of people
Development, Resilience and Valorization supported to have better
of Transboundary Water for West Africa climate change resilience.
(DREVE) preparation was supported by
Improving Water Resources Management FY23 Baseline: N/A
in West and Central Sahel but has not yet
been approved by the World Bank Board FY24 Actual:
of Governors.
415,653 people, including 164,000
beneficiaries from Ethiopia borderland
FY25 Target: groundwater investments and 251,653
The Development, Resilience and from groundwater investments. 251,653
Valorization of Transboundary Water for benefiting from the Ethiopia groundwater
West Africa project has been reported investments are from FCV-affected
for FY25. communities. These numbers are from
government population data so are not
disaggregated further.
FY25 Target:
Sustainable Groundwater Management of
SADC Member States will improve citizen
science by conducting participatory
research to draw out the knowledge of
communities about the value of
biodiversity. NCCR will benefit people at
risk of flash floods and droughts in the
Nile Basin.