Page 111 - CIWA-AR24
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West & Central Africa
Funding Process and Disbursement Under CIWA’s strategic planning efforts,
Annex 4 funding has been allocated to specific
CIWA was initially designed as a US$200 projects and technical assistance (current
Financial Information million program over a span of 10 years. allocations are at US$157.8 million) around
In 2021, the program was extended for the broad themes and areas endorsed by
This section provides financial updates five years to 2026 (although the
on the CIWA program. Unless otherwise fundraising target had not been met). In the AC. Additional details on pledges,
deposits, allocations, commitments, and
noted, the financial information including FY24, CIWA, AC members, and World
exchange rates reflects the status as of Bank stakeholders endorsed a new disbursements are presented in this Annex.
June 30, 2024. CIWA pipeline to coincide with an After the funds are allocated to specific
extension of CIWA for an additional five activities, CIWA works with clients to
CIWA is supported by a Multi-Donor years. The new pipeline is valued at develop Grant Funding Requests to
Trust Fund (MDTF) and administered by US$149.3 million above all previously transfer funds into activity accounts. The
the World Bank on behalf of contributing allocated funds; however, significant World Bank follows technical, legal, and
development partners. CIWA’s ongoing fundraising must occur for full fiduciary procedures to approve projects
donors are Austria, Denmark, the implementation. The FY24 CIWA funding and commits funds through its standard
European Commission, the Netherlands, goal (Figure A4.1) is the total value of the fiduciary processes (commitments totaled
Norway, Sweden, and the United new pipeline (US$149.3 million) plus the US$134.9 million). Funds were disbursed
Kingdom. This MDTF is known as a funds allocated to that point (US$152 according to grant agreements and
“Programmatic Multi-Donor Trust Fund,” million), which is rounded to US$300 financing plans (disbursements reached
in which donors commit funds to million. Consistent with standard World US$110.4 million). Figure A4.1 presents the
support a thematic framework rather Bank Trust Fund practices, donors overall status. Most of CIWA funds (90
than a specific project. Within this pledge funding for CIWA (total pledge percent) are allocated to existing projects
framework, CIWA supports projects was US$172.5 million), and funds are and technical assistance. Any significant
executed by recipient organizations and deposited on an agreed schedule future activities will depend strictly on the
operations executed by the World Bank. (deposits total US$156.2 million). receipt of new donor contributions.
Table A4.1. Donor Pledges and Deposits