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         and communications, monitoring and   benefiting  from  the  robust  financial   Demand for the CIWA program has
         evaluation, mid-term reviews,  reporting,   management and monitoring systems   exceeded  the  program’s  current
         partnership meetings, and dissemination   put in place at the program’s inception.    resources, and CIWA has allocated 90
         activities including website, brochures,                               percent of its available funding.  In
         and publications.                  Future Funding Requirements         response to substantial demand from
                                            and Resource Mobilization           its clients and to expand its impact, as
         CIWA estimates that PMU currently   CIWA regularly examines its existing   discussed above, the program has
         accounts for approximately 6 percent   portfolio and plans pipelines to achieve   identified  a  pipeline  of  potential
         of total donor contributions. Since the   results across SSA. Lessons learned from   projects that will exceed current
         start of the program in 2011, CIWA has   implementation are integrated into   resources.  CIWA is therefore working
         spent about 4 percent, keeping PMU   planning future engagements, alongside   actively to explore opportunities for
         expenses well within the suggested   application of risk management tools in   additional sources of funding.
         range. Overall, the program has been   the context of CIWA finance, detailed in
         cost-efficient  in  its  management,   Annex 3.

         Table A4.4: Fund balance

         109     55  Donors to advance their contributions so that CIWA minimizes exposures and risks due to the size of commitments when compared to deposits.
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119