Page 105 - CIWA-AR24
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                                             FY25 Target:
                3.a. Improved data and                                                 5. Transboundary water
                information systems          FY25 will include the Male Champions      arrangements (basins or
                used at the municipal        for Women’s Empowerment meeting in        aquifer) supported to
                or community level.          Lesotho and participation in the Women    enhance a) biodiversity
                                             in Water Diplomacy seminar.               and conservation, b) GESI,
                                                                                       c) peace, or d) climate
         FY23 Baseline:  N/A                                                           resilience.
         FY24 Actual:  0
         This is a new indicator in CIWA 2.0 and   FY23 Baseline:
         projects were not prepared to report.
                                                           Name                             Status
         FY25 Target:
         Multiple CIWA operations are anticipated
         to contribute to these results including
         the new Nile Basin Discourse project,
         NCCR, Untapping Resilience, and South
         Sudan TWP; support to SADC-GMI may
         also contribute.

                4. Activities incorporating
                explicit actions to
                challenge gender and
                social norms that impact
                women’s representation
                and leadership in technical
                fields related to
                transboundary water
                management and

         FY23 Baseline:  N/A

         FY24 Actual:  0
         CIWA’s Male Champions for Women’s
         Empowerment Initiative launched the
         Male Champion Forum in June 2023
         with 10 male participants in East Africa.
         The program continued with monthly
         meetings that facilitated exchanges of
         best practices and lessons learned.

         Sustainable Groundwater Management
         in SADC Member States phase 2
         established  the  NFGs  requiring  gender
         balance and cross-sectoral representation,
         whose alignment with member states
         SADC-GMI closely monitors. In addition,
         the ToRs for all regional groundwater and
         transboundary  studies  require  the
         consultant  team  to  include  the
         Environmental and Social expert to
         address gender inclusion issues during
         the study and capture them in reports.

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