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                                                records on  the  SADC-GLA  using  a   •  South Sudan TWP: The project
                1.a. Institutions with improved   cumulative  contingent  of  six  through  the   National  Project
                engagement of civil society,                                       Development and Implementation
                private sector, and academia    academic supervisors (two from
                                                each university) and 17 postgraduate   Partners Workshop in South Sudan
                                                students falling within the Young   focused on enhancing South Sudan's
         FY23 Baseline:                         Professionals category.            National   Meteorological  and
         In FY23, SADRI added the Great Kei,                                       Hydrological services in developing
         Tsitsa,  Mbashe,  Mthatha,  Umzimvubu,   •  Improving WRM in West and Central   multi-hazard early-warning systems.
         and Mtamvuna river sub-basins in       Sahel: The CSO diagnostic was      Academia, notably the University of
         South  Africa.  Untapping  Resilience   updated  with  two  additional    Juba, played a crucial role by providing
         added the groundwater basins in the    countries, Guinea and Senegal; Youth   scientific  expertise  and  educational
         HoA  borderlands.  The Pafuri-Sengwe   Transboundary Water Parliament     resources. Its involvement supported
         Joint  Park Management  Committee,     from Burkina Faso participation in   capacity-building initiatives, ensuring
         GLTFCA Joint Management Board, NBI,    SIWI World Water Week.             that these services and stakeholders
         and    NBD    delivered   explicit                                        are   equipped   with  relevant
         communication   and    community   •   NCCR:  ENTRO, Nile-SEC, and NBD    information about South Sudan’s
         stakeholder  engagement  activities    hosted internship and YP programs.   hydrology to manage and use
         including for investment preparation   ENTRO  conducted  community  field   early-warning systems effectively,
         and  conflict  mitigation  (Untapping   surveys   in   flood-prone   areas,   thereby enhancing  resilience  to
         Resilience), gender equality (NBD), and   including Akobo, Malakal, Pibor, Nasir,   natural  hazards.  The  stakeholder
         research and training activities to    Gambela, and Itang, which have been   engagement strategy ensures that
         support   communities’    climate      completed and will be used as input   gender issues are actively integrated
         resilience (SADRI).                    for  modeling  and  community      into the design and implementation of
                                                awareness.    ENTRO      also      water management and development
         FY24 Actual:                           strengthened   flood   community    activities. For instance, during the
                                                awareness and preparedness for 17   planning phase of a study to map
         •   Sustainable Groundwater Management   flood-prone   sites—comprising    humanitarian and development actors
             in SADC member states Phase 2: The   seven locations in Ethiopia (in the   in refugee settlements and host
             project facilitated MOUs between   sub-basins  Tekeze-Setit-Atbara,   communities,  specific  measures  to
             SADC-GMI and three universities    Lake Tana, Baro-Akobo-Sobat), four   address  gender  inequalities  were
             (University of Botswana, University of   in  South  Sudan  (sub-basin  incorporated.  The  study's Terms  of
             Mzuzu, and University of Namibia) to   Baro-Akobo-Sobat), and six in Sudan   Reference  explicitly  include
             gather  and  upload  additional    (sub-basin Tekeze-Setit-Atbara).     provisions to comprehensively track

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