Page 103 - CIWA-AR24
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            climate  risks,  covering  hazards,   •  NELSAP-CU produced the NB-FFEWS    •  ENTRO is using the EN-FFEWS
            exposure, and vulnerability. The    (  (https://entro-ffews-dev.westeurop
            vulnerability assessment evaluates   ood-early-warning-system-nb-ffews)  to  provide
            shelter quality, access to water and                                    daily flood forecast bulletins.
            sanitation, and the resilience of   •  Nile-SEC produces the bi-weekly
            access roads to climate hazards.    Monitoring   and    Forecasting  •  NELSAP-CU is using the NB-FFEWS
            These efforts address the unique    Drought Bulletin.  Content includes   (
            needs and vulnerabilities of all    drought indices tailored for both
            stakeholders, particularly women    hydrological and meteorological     5d25-4d83-b782-b6c81f8648ee)
            and marginalized groups.            droughts, using climate data from   to provide daily bulletins for early
                                                the 10 major Nile sub-basins and    warning.
         FY25 Target:                           enhancing the Nile River Basin
                                                flow-forecasting  system  in  FY25.   •  Nile-SEC is using its data and
         Work from FY24 from NCCR and           Nile-SEC also expanded its data
         Sustainable Groundwater Management in   and  analytics  services  (NB-DAS)   analytics services (NB-DAS) for
         SADC Member States Phase 2 will        for    climate-resilient  water     climate-resilient water resources
         continue,  including  flood  community   resources  management    and       management   and    investment
         awareness  and   preparedness  for     investment planning with new Earth   planning with new Earth Observation
         17 flood-prone sites in the Nile Basin.  Other   Observation datasets.      datasets. This is used for investment
         operations are still in the planning phases                                prioritization and identification.
         but may begin accruing results in FY25.
                                             •  NBI produced the Nile basin water   •  NBI—The  Nile  River  Basin  water
                                                quality database. (  quality database is used to improve
                1.b. Institutions with increased   20NBI%20water%20quality%20data   knowledge of water quality and
                water resources management                                          support the process of prioritizing
                and development information     base,water%20quality%20throughou    actions to improve water quality.
                in the public domain.           t%20the%20basin.)
                                                                                •   INMACOM and Volta Basin Authority
                                             FY25 Target:
                                                                                    are using the Water Accounting tool
         FY23 Baseline:                      Several results are expected in FY25: An   to support investment planning and
                                             enhanced DSS for climate adaptation    preparation.
         CIWA’s engagements in six basins—Nile,
         Niger, Lake Chad, Lake Victoria, SADC,   and resilient livelihoods in SADC   Several results are expected in FY25: An
         and  Zambezi—have  contributed  to   member states and the NILE-DEWS.
         increased water resources management,   NELSAP-CU will continue deploying the   enhanced DSS for climate adaptation
         climate data, and water development   FFEWS through the NBI portal.    and resilient livelihoods in SADC
         information in the public domain. SADC                                 member states and the NILE-DEWS.
         sub-basins with publicly available data                                NELSAP-CU will continue deploying the
         include the Great Kei, Mbashe, Mthatha,   1.c. Institutions using improved   FFEWS through the NBI portal.
         Umzimvubu, and Mtamvuna river basins.     analytical tools, knowledge
                                                   products, data, forecasting for     2. Number of people who
                                                   improved water and climate
         FY24 Actual:                                                                  participate in CIWA-funded
                                                   risk management or                  activities.
         In FY24, the Sustainable Groundwater      investment coordination.
         Management in SADC Member States
         Phase 2 project continued to support the                               FY23 Baseline:
         SADC Grey Literature Archive  and   FY23 Baseline:                     This indicator was not measured previously.
         SADC-Groundwater Information Portal:   This indicator was not included in FY23.
                                                                                FY24 Actual:
         •   ENTRO  produced  the EN-FFEWS   FY23 Baseline:                     •   Untapping  Resilience:  70 people
             (https://entro-ffews-dev.westeurop  •  SADC-GMI—Identification  of  the   participated in the regional meetings
    covering 35   plans and doing detailed water     for the GW4R project (~23 women).
             forecast locations and rainfall in 55   quality  assessments;  role  of  The meeting takes place every six
             catchments.  Flood hazard maps     hydrological cycle periods; role of   months.
             and  flood  vulnerability  and  risk   invasive  species;  climate  change;
             maps have been produced for 16     using GIS and RS to do climate   •  Sustainable Groundwater Management
             flood-prone areas.                  change resilience planning.         in SADC Member States Phase 2:

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