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         Program Development Objective (PDO): To   While there was no change to the potential   Sahel Pastoralism Support Project II
         strengthen the cooperative management   investments  influenced  by  CIWA,  of  the   (PRAPS2) are also expected to change. A
         and development of international waters in   mobilized  investments,  Untapping  watershed management investment on
         Sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate sustainable   Resilience and phase 2 of Sustainable   the border of Rwanda and Burundi, which
         climate-resilient growth.           groundwater  management  in  SADC  was  identified  by  NCORE,  is  also  being
                                             Member States mobilized community   considered for mobilization.
                                             groundwater investments, which increased
                PDO Indicator 1: US dollars   the value by US$23.6 million. Studies for   PDO Indicator 2: Number of
                influenced for cooperative    other investments influenced by CIWA are    people benefiting from
                management and               still in progress, and, therefore, the     improved water resources
                development investments.     aggregate values are an underestimate.     management and
                                                                                        development investments.

                                             FY25 Target:
         FY23 Baseline:                                                          FY23 Baseline:
         •  Total—$17.37 billion             In FY25, additional updates to mobilized   •  Total—85.475 million people
         •  Potential—$11.03 billion         groundwater investments from Untapping   •  Potential—66 million
         •  Mobilized—$6.34 billion          Resilience and Sustainable Groundwater   •  Mobilized—19.475 million
                                             Management  in SADC  member  states
         FY24 Actual:                        project phase 2 will accrue in the range of   FY24 Actual:
         •  Total—$17.4 billion              another US$30-40 million. The values and   •  Total—85.875 million people
         •  Potential—$11.03 billion (unchanged)  status  of  the  potential investments   •  Potential—66 million
         •  Mobilized—$6.365 billion         involving the SMAB and the Regional      •  Mobilized—19.875 million

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