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                                                        Figure A1.1: Allocations by Grant Type
         Annex 1

         Allocations                              Recipient-Executed Grants  62.1%
             nnex 1 describes the CIWA
                       portfolio in terms of the proportion
         of its  allocations 50   according  to  grant
         types,  partner  types,  engagements
         (geographical), and primary outcomes.
         The key points are:
                                                    Bank-Executed Direct
         Figure A1.1  shows that RETF grants still     Support to Clients
         dominate the portfolio. The two active
         RETF grants are the NCCR and SADC
         Groundwater Management Phase 2
         projects. RETF grants are 62 percent of
         the cumulative portfolio, a decrease from        Preparation and
         previous years. The costs for preparation        Supervision for  4.7%
         and supervision of grants remain below 6     Recipient-Executed
         percent.                                                                  4.1%  Bank-Executed Africa-Wide

         Figure A1.2 shows that CIWA’s cumulative
         portfolio includes a wide diversity of
         regional institutions. As in previous years,
         the majority (64 percent) of RETF clients
         and technical assistance partners are          Figure A1.2: Allocations by Partner Type
         regional RBOs. The breakdown aligns with
         CIWA’s intention to provide long-term
         sustained support to regional RBOs while
         also diversifying support to new types of             Bank-Executed Africa-Wide 14%

         Figure A1.3 includes all engagements.
         CIWA has engagements in all Sub-Saharan             National   11%
         Africa regions: the Nile Basin  share of        Government
         engagements is roughly 45 percent, the
         Southern Africa  portfolio is  22  percent,
         HoA is 12 percent, and West and Central       Africa-Wide
         Africa allocations are 17 percent (the     Bank-Executed  5%
         remaining going to Africa-wide technical
                                                 Non-Governmental   5%
         Figure A1.4 shows the cumulative primary
         outcome of CIWA allocations (including
         the pipeline). CIWA allocations to large   Transboundary Utility 1%
         infrastructure stayed at 12 percent. Small
         and nature-based investments are 15
         percent, and institutional and information
         systems support is  73 percent.                           River Basin Organization 64%

                 50  Every year’s allocation analysis is cumulative except where explicitly described otherwise and include pipeline allocations, which are listed in Table A4.5 of
                 the respective CIWA Annual Report. Caveats are present in the longitudinal allocation data because changes can occur in the pipeline (although endorsed
                 by the Advisory Committee) and major country context shifts can also be influential.
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