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                                             Furthermore, the team provided
         CIWA publications:
                                             robust communication support for the
         overview of recent releases         launch and ongoing development of
                                             the  Male Champions for Women’s
            IWA’s communications team        Empowerment to engage men to
                          designed and promoted the new   advocate for gender equality and
         report,  Toward a Drought-Resilient   women's    empowerment       in
         Southern Africa,   which  provides an   transboundary  contexts.  Through
         overview  of  the challenges posed by   these proactive approaches, CIWA
         drought in Southern Africa and the   continues to strengthen its visibility and
         progress made in recent years by the   impact  in  the  realm  of  water
         SADRI  initiative  to  identify  and  fill   management and gender equality.
         knowledge   gaps    and   explore
         integrated systems and frameworks to   In FY25, CIWA’s content strategy will
         build drought resilience in the region.
                                             continue to highlight its projects,
                                             milestones,   and    collaborations,
         The team also designed the latest   showcasing its expertise in helping
         cross-cutting issue framework—the   partners manage international  waters
         FCV  Framework.  This  provides  Task   across Africa.  Additionally,  CIWA  will
         Teams with step-by-step guidance to   leverage LinkedIn to recruit male
         enhance  the  effectiveness  of  CIWA-   champions and  passionate individuals
         funded activities in FCV-affected   committed to water management and
         areas. It provides background information   African development and prosperity,
         on CIWA’s engagements in water      while increasing awareness of CIWA's
         cooperation for building a relevant project   mission to attract potential donors and
         narrative  and   methodology  for   supporters. Through a professional and
         systematically applying conflict sensitivity   engaging tone, CIWA aims to strengthen
         to project design and throughout the   connections  and  drive  meaningful
         project cycle.                      outcomes in our outreach efforts.

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