Page 93 - CIWA-AR24
P. 93
Looking Ahead
Looking Ahead
his Annual Report has showcased conserving biodiversity, and building DREVE program with knowledge
the achievements of the CIWA team climate resilience. And we will continue generation and other activities through
in the last year along with the collective our groundbreaking work to engage male renewed support to the Niger Basin
impact of our partners, governments, champions of women’s empowerment in Authority.
donors, and the communities we seek to the water resources field.
positively impact. Each success story As always, we have more projects and
represents lives improved, conflicts In the coming year, we plan to launch a initiatives in our pipeline than funding for
averted, and natural resources preserved new initiative with NBD to engage them, and we will continue our efforts to
for future generations. communities in water and climate data step up donor support of CIWA.
generation to enhance climate resilience,
Looking ahead, we remain committed water resources management planning, With your continued encouragement
to realizing our vision of a continent disaster preparedness, and cooperation. —and hopefully with new donors—we
where transboundary waters are We plan to launch an initiative in the will progress on our journey to unlock the
managed cooperatively, sustainably, future that will support the World Bank’s full potential of Africa’s shared waters.
and inclusively. As you’ve read on these
pages, the challenges are significant
but so, too, are the opportunities for
Like the World Bank, CIWA is stepping
up its ambitions and efforts to address
climate change, biodiversity
destruction, and water and food
insecurity. We are building the capacity
of governments and RBOs to better
manage their water resources,
generating and sharing knowledge, and
paving the way for strategic
investments in sustainable water
resources management and
development. In doing so, we are
contributing to the improvement of
transboundary water resources as a
regional public good, reduction of
poverty and increase in prosperity, and
adaptation to a warming planet.
Countries simply cannot develop without
well-managed water resources. And that
cannot happen without cooperation
across borders. Since 2011, CIWA has laid
the groundwork for countries and RBOs
to join forces for the greater common
good. That cooperation is more
important than ever given growing global
challenges such as climate change,
conflict, and fragility. We are leaning into
promoting groundwater as a sustainable
water resource, ameliorating FCV,