Page 88 - CIWA-AR24
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Support to FCV-affected regions

        Support to



                     n FY24, the World Bank designated   Framework,  which recognizes that   relevant drivers of FCV and their links to
            18 countries in SSA as FCV-     women     and   other   vulnerable  project  elements,  manage   and
         affected situations; CIWA supported   populations  tend  to  be  more  minimize risks throughout operations,
         work in eight of these.   FCV-affected   negatively affected in FCV contexts   and do no harm. It provides guidance to
         countries  generally  have  high  levels  of   and are often underutilized change   help CIWA specialists develop a strong
         poverty and limited  job opportunities,   agents. The FCV Framework Theory of   narrative  that showcases  a  project’s
         which contribute to a cycle of fragility and   Change  identifies  measurable  paths   contribution to addressing the identified
         conflict.                           to achieving equitable progress in   drivers of fragility that have an impact on
                                            FCV  countries  and ensuring  that   water cooperation.
         FCV-affected     countries    are  regional work does not exclude them.
         significantly  impacted  by  climate   These are incorporated into the new   While all CIWA grants reach people in
         variability, which exacerbates food   CIWA ToC and Results Framework.   FCV-affected  countries,  some
         insecurity and economic instability.                                   operations are building on and
         For  instance,  increased  climate  The objective of CIWA’s FCV Framework   extending long-term support to the
         variability has led to more frequent   is  to  enhance  the  program’s  most challenging situations in the
         droughts,  floods,  and  pest  attacks,   effectiveness in contexts affected by   world. The South Sudan Transboundary
         further complicating efforts to achieve   FCV by providing key resources and a   Waters Support Program is addressing
         food   security  and   sustainable  concise framework to identify the   climate  risks in  refugee  settlements
         development. CIWA continued to
         deepen  its support to  countries
         affected by FCV and remains engaged
         in four high priority FCV-affected
         regions—the Horn of Africa, West and
         Central Sahel, Lake Chad, and the Great
         Lakes. FCV is one of CIWA’s key
         cross-cutting development priorities,
         along with GESI, resilience to climate
         change, and biodiversity conservation.
         There is direct but complex interplay
         between FCV, GESI, climate change, and
         biodiversity  that  requires  un-siloed
         approaches to development, and
         transboundary WRM and development
         exist at the intersection of these. In June
         2024, CIWA released its updated FCV

                 45  Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau,
                 Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, and Zimbabwe
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