Page 85 - CIWA-AR24
P. 85
Climate Resilience
CIWA has contributed to i) influencing
investments that are now delivering a
significant fraction of SSA’s
hydroelectric power, ii) delivering core
information and institutional inputs that
are requisite for climate change
adaptation and resilience, and
iii) expanding its portfolio to previously
lightly-touched sectors that are linked
to climate resilience and mitigation
such as water quality; dam safety;
nature-based storage solutions;
groundwater management and
sustainable use; and biodiversity,
ecosystem services, and conservation.
These sectors are critical for resilience
to extreme weather but have only minor
mitigation benefits that are not linked to
the energy sector (e.g., through
watershed management). CIWA’s active
and pipeline projects include
multipurpose dams, and future
mitigation investments will likely focus
on smaller investments such as in
carbon sequestration through
climate-smart watershed management
and rehabilitation plans, solar-pumped
groundwater investments, and wetlands
and biodiversity protection. CIWA’s
current portfolio embraces its strong
track record of climate resilience
through improving regional water
resource management and planning
while leaning into the trajectory on
increased flood and drought risk
management, dam safety, and water
quality actions.
Transboundary water
management is a global
public good that is often a
prerequisite for other
public goods such as
access to safe, reliable
water and resilience to
extreme weather.