Page 80 - CIWA-AR24
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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

         Gender Equality

         and Social Inclusion

                      IWA has ramped up its efforts to    CIWA’s GESI work, a blog about the   challenges women face within the
              apply a gender-transformative   training was published to showcase the   transboundary  water  sector  and
         approach to shift gender norms and   approach and outcomes.            identify  actions  that  Male  Champions
         consider  the  diverse  needs  of                                      can take to address them.
         vulnerable populations throughout   Another key vehicle supporting gender
         transboundary water institutions and   transformation  is  CIWA’s  Male  CIWA also updated its GESI Framework
         programs.                          Champions for Women’s Empowerment   this year. In addition to capturing work
                                            (MCWE) initiative, which is designed to   undertaken since it was written in 2021,
         A key strategy is CIWA’s GESI training.   work with men to counter cultural   the framework now includes a Theory of
         The  NBI  is  one   of  the  lead  norms about men’s dominance in the   Change, which builds on actions to
         intergovernmental  organizations  in  water sector. Male champions work with   ensure that GESI is effectively captured
         SSA    that   has    adopted   a   other   men    to   foster   more   by revised indicators in CIWA’s Results
         gender-transformative approach and, to   gender-equitable spaces for women’s   Framework.
         build on efforts of NBI centers and Nile   participation and leadership in the water
         RBOs, CIWA provided a two-day GESI   sector and to confront resistance to   CIWA will continue to increase its focus
         training to the NELSAP, ENTRO, and LVBC.   women’s empowerment. CIWA sees this   on ensuring that projects commit the
         The training was offered in response to   as a critical way to create a favorable   necessary technical expertise to
         requests by each of the organization’s   enabling environment  for women to   facilitate  GESI  mainstreaming
         Gender Focal Points to address     become leaders, thus facilitating more   throughout the project cycle.  CIWA’s
         shortcomings in staff capacity to   equitable and inclusive decision-making   GESI expert has also reviewed and
         understand the basics of gender    processes about water resources.    revised the FCV and Biodiversity
         equality and to improve their ability to                               frameworks to ensure that gender is
         mainstream GESI into projects and   MCWE    hosted   monthly  virtual  considered in those areas.
         programs. It was targeted to all staff   meetings to identify concrete actions
         within each organization and secured   that Male Champions can take and   CIWA will host a one-day in-person
         senior management participation to   foster collaboration, as articulated in   meeting and a side event to
         ensure long-term commitment to GESI.   the MCWE Action Plan. Steps have also   showcase the MCWE at the Waternet
                                            been taken to recruit new Male      Symposium scheduled to take place
         Using a participatory and practical   Champions,  with  five  new  members   in Lesotho this fall.  Building on
         approach, the two-day training     joining from Southern and West Africa.   findings  from  the  NBI  GESI  training,
         included facilitation of collective                                    CIWA is also planning to co-host a
         engagement    on    revisions  of  CIWA showcased the MCWE at the      Learning Event with Equal Aqua in
         organizations’ respective Gender   Women in Water Diplomacy Network    2025, which will focus on actions to
         Action Plans. Previous gender plans   Second Global Network Forum, which   make the work environment more
         focused on mainstreaming GESI at the   generated  significant  interest  in  this   gender friendly.
         project and institutional level. Building   strategic and novel approach. To guide
         on  the  findings  from  surveys  from   the evolution of the MCWE, CIWA
         Equal Aqua,  the revised plans have   conducted a survey of Male Champions
         now identified concrete actions that can   to understand their needs and interests
         be taken by staff  to address gender   and validate the initiative’s new name
         barriers such as providing access to   and objectives. In September, MCWE
         childcare.  As  part  of  broader  co-hosted   an  online  event  in
         communications efforts that include   partnership with the Women in Water
         regular social media outreach to promote   Diplomacy  Network  to  explore

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