Page 78 - CIWA-AR24
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Biodiversity and Conservation
and Conservation
nsustainable patterns of mitigate climate-related shocks, sustainability data in the hydrological
consumption and production support livelihoods, sustain health modeling and climate change
are recognized as the root causes of and life, and improve economies. The scenarios.
climate change, biodiversity loss, and implementation of the CIWA
pollution, which can be mitigated Biodiversity Framework is focused CIWA’s new support to the RCRP
through the implementation of on three interconnected areas: through the South Sudan
sustainable land use and resource i) programmatic level, ii) project level, Transboundary Waters Support
management practices. Women in and iii) tools and solutions. CIWA’s Program and the Strengthening
many developing countries are the effort is aligned with the World Bank’s Transboundary Basin Organizations
principal users and managers of land, commitment to supporting the through Program Development and
with primary responsibility for implementation of the Global Capacity Building in Africa grants is
household food production and water Biodiversity Framework adopted at anticipated to deliver results in
use. Their role in promoting sustainable the 15th Conference of the Parties of supporting biodiversity knowledge
land management is an opportunity to the Convention on Biological Diversity generation and conservation capacity
achieve the dual objective of (COP15). The implementation of the building. In FY25, the South Sudan
sustainable land management and Framework will be guided by its program will begin generating a detailed
gender equality. Considering these Theory of Change, which outlines the understanding of how South Sudan’s
challenges, in FY23 CIWA assessed its vision, context, key focus areas, and ecosystems in the Sudd wetlands
biodiversity work, which concluded results areas. influence the basin’s hydrological
that CIWA operations have supported balance. The operation will create a
a range of regional biodiversity-related In FY24, NCCR supported the LVBC to freshwater biodiversity baseline and
activities. These activities provided deliver the EAC Water Quality evaluate anthropogenic pressures on
both direct and indirect benefits to Management Policy, which will ecosystems in the wetland.
biodiversity conservation, however, they address the challenges of Strengthening Transboundary Basin
were largely opportunistic and lacked an fragmented responsibilities, lack of Organizations will begin Lake Kariba
explicit agenda and systematic uniform water-quality standards, and fisheries cooperation work.
approach to improve transboundary uncoordinated efforts to promote
water-related biodiversity conservation. environmental sustainability, public
health, and socioeconomic
The objective of the CIWA development. The project also created
Biodiversity Framework, which was water-quality models for the Jemma CIWA’s effort is aligned
completed in FY24, is to align CIWA’s River in Ethiopia and the Mwanza Gulf in
transboundary water cooperation Tanzania using hydraulic, hydrological, with the World Bank’s
efforts with biodiversity water-quality, and climatic data to commitment to supporting
conservation goals, including better understand the drivers and the implementation of the
identifying opportunities at the sources of pollution.
intersection of transboundary water Global Biodiversity
management and freshwater The support to the Lake Chad Basin Framework adopted at the
biodiversity and conservation. The will deliver an irrigation development 15th Conference of the
vision of the Biodiversity Framework plan that considers both shallow
is improved transboundary water groundwater and surface water Parties of the Convention
management that supports resources to ensure efficient and on Biological Diversity
biodiversity conservation to ensure equitable distribution of water for (COP15)
more climate-resilient communities agriculture. This plan will incorporate
are better equipped to plan for and environmental and biodiversity
40 See Annex B of CIWA’s new Biodiversity Framework
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