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Protecting the Cubango-Okavango River to support livelihoods
Protecting the
River to support
he Cubango-Okavango River Basin CORB while also improving livelihoods of Enhancing climate-smart
is home to 1 million people and one communities. The main vehicle to achieve
of the world’s most pristine rivers. these goals is the OKACOM Strategic livelihoods
Action Program supported by various CIWA provided earlier support to
The Cubango-Okavango River begins in partners including CIWA. In keeping with OKACOM resulting in a Multi-Sector
the highlands of Angola, flows through OKACOM’s Gender Mainstreaming Investment Opportunities Analysis. The
Namibia, and then enters Botswana, where Strategy and Implementation Plan, analysis identified different development
it forms the Okavango Delta. The rich OKACOM is also taking concrete action scenarios, considering potential
biodiversity of the Delta, one of the world’s aimed at promoting gender equality and economic, social, environmental, and
largest, makes it a World Heritage site and the empowerment of women and other climate-resilient trajectories to the year
a wetland of international importance. The vulnerable groups. 2040. It recommended three
Delta is a vast inland oasis in the Kalahari development paths, including a
Desert, supporting a wide variety of While there is a thriving tourism industry in livelihoods enhancement program, a
wildlife and livelihoods. However, people Botswana and Namibia, most people work tourism investment framework to
living near this treasured but fragile as subsistence farmers, fish, or collect mobilize private-sector resources, and
resource are among the poorest in the reeds and grass to make baskets and mats cooperative infrastructure development.
three countries because of low levels of to sell in markets.
economic development and distance The pathways provide OKACOM with a
from the main economic centers. When Molefi began her career, she framework to address the underlying
worked directly with CORB drivers of poverty while protecting the
Poverty is not only a challenge for families communities. “I understand their plight,” environmental integrity and
but also for the long-term sustainability of she says. “I understand their challenges. sustainability of the basin’s water
the CORB. In recognition of the importance I understand the issues on the ground.” resources.
of joint and coordinated management of
the basin, the three CORB countries “As much as I am an environmentalist,” “The MSIOA was really helpful because
established the OKACOM in 1994. says Molefi, who has a master’s degree it put things in perspective for
in environmental science from the OKACOM in terms of what needs to be
Tracy Molefi, program coordinator at University of Botswana, “it is equally done and where it can be done,” Molefi
OKACOM, says that she and her colleagues important for communities and says. “It helped shape the OKACOM
are determined to promote sustainable countries to accrue benefits from this program going forward.”
development and management of the shared resource.”