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Southern Africa

         agreement among RCRP countries and    RCRP to strengthen the ability of
         institutions  on   regional-national  national and regional institutions on
         coordination  mechanisms   during  climate resilience and transboundary
         project implementation,  (iii)  built  the  WRM, especially for women and   The risks of
         capacity of participants on climate  marginalized  and    vulnerable  non-cooperation are high,
         finance    and   carbon    markets  communities. An institutional diagnostic
         opportunities,  and  (iv)  identified  an  of priority RBOs will be conducted to   as most water comes from
         initial roadmap to implement the RCRP  identify a pathway to make them more  transboundary rivers, and
         climate financing sub-component.   sustainable, better able to attract
                                           financing,  promote  financial  viability   water use in one country
         A preliminary assessment of the  (including   climate   finance   and  may negatively affect
         readiness of RCRP countries for  private-sector  financing),  and  increase
         international  carbon     market  their effectiveness. Support will focus on   availability and quality in
         participation  highlighted  potential  improved capacity and knowledge of  neighboring countries.
         projects in Comoros, Madagascar,  RBOs  to  account  for  biodiversity  and
         Malawi, Mozambique, and South Sudan,  fragility  factors  in  water-related
         including best practices and areas for  investment planning and prioritization.
         improvement.  Applying the technical
         training to national contexts, participants  Emphasis on regional cooperation:
         joined  country-focused  roundtable  Improved information exchange, which
         discussions on the potential role of   forms the basis of transboundary
         carbon  markets  and  identified  existing   water  cooperation,  will be  fostered
         institutional arrangements for carbon   through support to OKACOM and
         markets, ongoing efforts, challenges, and   potentially  scaled up  to LIMCOM,
         key areas of support needed.      ORASECOM, and CICOS.  Conversations
                                           are ongoing to identify the key entry
         Based on the technical knowledge   points with these RBOs that will be the
         acquired through  the  event,  country   focus of the coming year’s support. For
         delegations  prepared  an   initial  example, OKACOM is interested in an
         roadmap  for  climate  financing  under   institutional  and  legal assessment that
         the RCRP.  The  discussions  identified   will  also  include  a  financial  strategy.
         mitigation investments; priority areas to   Activities will include the preparation of a
         address in the short-, medium-, and   binational management plan for Lake
         long-term; activities to be financed in the   Kariba fisheries.
         next  year  under  the  climate  financing
         sub-component  of  the  RCRP;  and  the   Progress monitoring and learning: A
         basis for enhanced regional collaboration.   monitoring platform will be designed
         Participants agreed that the next RCRP   and launched to apply mapping
         event will focus on transboundary water
         management, including operations and   information technologies and remote
         maintenance and flood risk management   sensing technologies on storage,
         issues, which are at the core of the   flood  risk  management,  and  site
         RCRP’s implementation.            selection  for  RCRP   investment
                                           identification and planning.
         A   technical  water    resources
         modeling  training  was  delivered  in   Citizen engagement: Guidelines and
         Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in  May  2024.   just-in-time support will be provided
         The training aimed to equip key   for improving citizen engagement in
         government    officials,   technical   transboundary water management
         authorities, and selected academics   and  developing  programs  and
         with national and transboundary water   projects to improve livelihoods, with a
         management models.                strong emphasis on the role of
                                           biodiversity and ecosystem  services
         Next Steps                        and consideration of gender and
                                           social inclusion aspects. This support
         Transboundary  capacity of  RBOs:  The  will lead to the development of at least
         program will continue providing regional  one Livelihoods Improvement Program
         capacity-building events under the  in a selected basin.

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