Page 104 - CIWA-AR24
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39 Young Professionals (15 women) Southern Africa) will likely begin to accrue in technical training. WDR trained 28
were in the program; the SADC beneficiaries. The target is 1,000 people women from RBOs, SADC-GMI had 45
Groundwater Conference attracts (300 women). women professionals trained, and NCCR
approximately 150 participants had 72 women trained.
annually. 2.a.i People trained on GESI in
transboundary water resource FY25 Target:
• NCCR supported 32 interns (12 management and development. Training in transboundary WRM data use,
women) and YPs; the Nile Basin information, or DSS is a common activity
Discourse Forum hosted a record for CIWA operations, and it is hoped that
1,061 people (328 women); training FY23 Baseline: N/A this indicator will incentivize prioritizing
sessions were conducted during women for limited training opportunities.
each deliverable review workshop, FY24 Actual: The target is 150 women participating in
which included 66 people; there NCCR supported 90 people (25 women) high- or medium-skilled and/or
are 264 NB-DAS users, and at the LVBC, ENTRO and NELSAP-CU management positions participating in
NB-DAS training included 58 centers through GESI training. technical trainings.
people (13 women).
FY25 Target:
• Improving WRM in West Africa: 20 Tailored GESI training is available 3. Knowledge products used
to illustrate the evidence
people participated in the SMAB through CIWA on demand. base for cooperation, needs,
RWG (1 woman). and challenges.
2.a.ii Satisfaction that
• Water Data Revolution: 128 people CIWA training is useful
participated in the activities of the and applicable to enable FY23 Baseline:
initiative, of whom 28 were women, women's increased 18 knowledge products were produced
two online workshops and one engagement in WRM. in FY23.
in-person workshop provided
participants from 18 institutions FY24 Actual:
working in water resources FY23 Baseline: N/A The total is 7: Untapping Resilience
management with training and FY24 Actual: produced a salinity guideline, RVI work on
knowledge about tools for data and conflict and fragility considerations in the
analytics to improve decision The Nile training had a 98 percent provision of groundwater in the
making. The in-person workshop, self-assessment rating of satisfactory borderlands, the regional integration
held in Ghana, focused on the or higher. roadmap, UNDP work on reasons for water
launch of the Water Accounting point failure baseline work (about to be
Dashboard developed for the VBA. FY25 Target: published). Improving WRM in West and
This workshop offered extensive The target is that future GESI training Central Africa produced an updated CSO
training on dashboard management has at least a 90 percent satisfaction or diagnostic with two additional countries,
and technical aspects related to higher rating. Guinea and Senegal and the Groundwater
hydrometeorology. It included Legislation Assessment for Nigeria, France,
specialists from the six VBA 2.b. Number of women in and Spain. Lake Chad finalized the Water
member countries—Benin, Burkina high- or medium-skilled Security Assessment.
Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, and and/or management
Togo—representing 12 institutions positions trained in FY25 Target:
across the Volta Basin. transboundary WRM data Improving WRM in West and Central
use, information, or Africa: Joint vision and program for
FY24 Total = decision support systems. long-term cooperation on the SMAB
aquifer; assessment to characterize
• 1,888 people / (440 women) existing infrastructure (boreholes and
FY23 Baseline:
wells) and to develop population and
FY25 Target: 113 women in high- or medium-skilled climate change projections through
It is expected that the above and/or management positions participated 2040. Lake Chad: Based on the new
operations will involve a similar in training. Untapping Resilience and NCCR studies for Nigeria, France, and Spain and
number of people for FY25 activities, contributed to these results. previous studies for other countries, a
other than the Nile Basin Discourse comparative analysis of countries is
Forum, which is held every three years. FY24 Actual: expected to be finalized in late 2024. Also,
New operations (South Sudan TWP 145 women in high- or medium-skilled included is the Lake Chad irrigation
and the new support to RCRP in and/or management positions participated development plan.