Page 10 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework

             6. CIWA’s Transformative Approach                  Key Actions
             and Actions (continued)
                                                                              Program Level
             Bridge knowledge and data gaps:

                                                                     Prepare  a  Gender  and  Social  Inclusion  Framework:
                Facilitating  knowledge  management  and  fostering  a  This  Framework  is  being  developed  as  a  living
                                                                     document that can be adapted when new evidence or
                learning culture are critical to gathering best practices  lessons  learned  on  GESI  and  its  relevance  to
                and lessons learned that can contribute to improving  transboundary  water  are  identified.  It  will  provide
                approaches  to  mainstreaming  GESI  considerations  guidance  and  proposed  actions  to  CIWA  staff,
                and  to  identify  specific  gender  and  social  inclusion  development  partners,  and  country  partners  about
                gaps  that  require  targeted  interventions.  Collection  how to apply a GESI lens to CIWA’s work taking into
                and analysis of evidence across the program, including  consideration  lessons  learned  in  addressing  GESI
                systematic  collection  of  sex-,  age-,  and  poverty-  within the transboundary water context.
                disaggregated  data,  will  be  a  key  activity  as  part  of
                project  preparation  to  foster  improvements  in  the  Adopt and promote a transformative approach: CIWA
                application  of  gender  and  social  inclusion  analysis  will play a leadership role in promoting the adoption of
                both  internally  and  with  external  partners  and  a transformative approach through engagement with
                stakeholders.                                        relevant  stakeholders,  establishment  of  strategic
                                                                     partnerships as well as advocating that key documents
                Information on gender equality and social inclusion,  systematically promote GESI at all levels and across all
                                                                     sectors  of  the  transboundary  water  environment
                including  strategies,  baseline  studies,  and  the  where  CIWA  works.  Case  studies  of  successful
                collection  of  qualitative  and  quantitative  data  will  transformative  approaches  will  be  developed  to
                form part of the process to guide the development    demonstrate  the  success  factors  and  challenges  of
                and  implementation  of  gender-sensitive  projects.  applying a transformative approach.
                The  collection  and  analysis  of  data  and  other
                relevant  evidence  will  also  seek  to  identify   Enhance  GESI  in  M&E  and  knowledge  management:
                actionable approaches to tackling systemic barriers  Additional  indicators  related  to  CIWA’s  work  at  the
                to gender equality and social inclusion.             program  level  will  be  developed  to  demonstrate  the
                                                                     program’s  commitment  to  ensuring  that  GESI  is  a
                Actions  will  be  taken  to  share  and  learn  about  central part of CIWA’s work. Existing indicators will also
                gender  and  social  inclusion  issues  of  relevance  to  be reviewed to identify opportunities to integrate GESI
                                                                     considerations.  Collection  and  packaging  of  evidence
                the transboundary context, including the collection  on GESI and transboundary water will be shared with
                and  dissemination  of  good  practices  and  success  CIWA staff and partners through virtual platforms.
                stories from project partners.
                                                                     Ensure  sustained  oversight  of  GESI  interventions:
                                                                     CIWA  management  will  champion  the  integration  of
                                                                     GESI into all of the program’s work on an ongoing basis.
             Ensure monitoring and evaluation is                     This  will  include  ensuring  the  allocation  of  sufficient
             sensitive to gender and social inclusion:               financial and technical resources as part of the CIWA
                                                                     budgeting process to facilitate the integration of a GESI
                                                                     perspective at the programming and project level over
                                                                     the short, medium and longer term.
                For  a  transformative  approach  to  be  successful,  it
                needs  to  incorporate  monitoring  and  evaluation  GESI  capacity  building:  A  capacity  building  program
                strategies  and  approaches  that  consider  gender  and  targeted to staff and partners will be developed and
                social inclusion dimensions. At the front end, funding  pilot tested before broad-based roll-out. Training will
                will  be  allocated  and  actions  taken  to  ensure  that  be two-fold: 1) An introduction of  key  concepts and
                disaggregated data about gender disparities and social  issues to establish a common understanding of GESI’s
                exclusions  are  systematically  collected  and  analyzed  relevance  within  the  transboundary  context;  2)
                to ensure GESI considerations are integrated as part  Training on how to apply GESI throughout the project
                                                                     cycle to enable staff to understand how to concretely
                of  project  development,  implementation,  and      apply GESI at the project level.
                monitoring of results.
                                                                     Identify  and/or  develop  GESI  tools  and  resources:
                Project  indicators  will  also  be  required  to  include  User-friendly  tools  will  be  provided  to  staff  and
                reference to gender and social inclusion. As part of  partners to assist them to better understand where,
                the  monitoring  process,  GESI  analysis  will  be  why, and how to apply a gender lens as part of their
                undertaken to determine if progress is being made    overall work. A stocktaking exercise of current tools
                on advancing gender and social inclusion within each  will  be  undertaken  to  identify  current  resources
                project.  Where  necessary  and  possible,  log  frames  before developing new material. Collaboration on the
                will  be  revised  to  include  sex  disaggregated   development of tools and resources will be explored.
                information,  including  targets  and  indicators.  Mid-
                term and final evaluations of projects and programs  Unpack and apply social inclusion to transboundary
                will ensure that GESI considerations are effectively  water initiatives: The CIWA program will promote and
                integrated.                                          integrate  the  perspective  that  men  and  women  are
                                                                     not  homogeneous  as  part  of  its  overall  approach  to
                                                                     identifying and working with relevant stakeholders at
                At the programming level, additional indicators that  the institutional and project level. Project material and
                incorporate  gender  and  social  inclusion  will  be  external  communication  will  reinforce  the  need  to
                developed,  and  GESI  analysis  will  form  part  of  the  unpack  the  multiple  identities  and  characteristics  of
                midterm review and final evaluation process.         men and women involved in CIWA projects.

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