Page 11 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework
Project Level 7. Update Since 2021 Framework Launch
CIWA launched its Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Framework in 2021 as a living document to guide CIWA’s
Undertake a systematic review of project operations into the future. Since then, CIWA has
documents: All of CIWA’s project documents will be supported the development and implementation of
reviewed to ensure that GESI is integrated multiple measures and actions to assist with the integration
throughout the project cycle and across all sectors of GESI into the projects and institutions that it supports.
where the project will be operating. Technical Interventions range from the development of tools,
expertise will be provided to ensure that project capacity building, mainstreaming GESI considerations into
teams understand the rationale for proposed GESI project development and implementation, and the
approaches and language. Complementary coaching development of communications material.
will help to secure buy-in for the adoption of GESI
approaches and inclusion of GESI references.
In June 2023, CIWA also launched a special initiative,
Integrate a transformative approach into project Male Champions for Women’s Empowerment, to engage
planning and implementation: Project planning and men to champion a favorable enabling environment for
implementation will factor in the need to women so they can participate equitably within the male-
undertake multiple interventions across a diversity dominated water sector. By promoting a holistic and
of sectors to facilitate transformative change. integrated focus on GESI, all of these measures seek to
CIWA projects will apply the understanding that collectively and holistically contribute to the achievement
addressing gender inequality and social exclusion of a transformative approach within the transboundary
requires the engagement of multiple stakeholders water sector.
across a range of sectors by allocating resources to
enable stakeholder mapping and engagement with To ensure integration of social inclusion into the
a diversity of stakeholders. programs that it supports, CIWA is also seeking to ensure
that its investments in transboundary water management
Incorporate GESI into M&E work: As part of the result in project outcomes that benefit both women and
process to develop a results frameworks and men as well as girls and boys from a diversity of
indicators for projects, GESI considerations will be backgrounds including vulnerable populations. For more
systematically integrated. Where possible, information on actions taken, please refer to Annex 2.
disaggregated data will be collected and used to
guide the design of projects and tracking of results.
Case studies that document successes and 8. How to Engage on GESI with CIWA
challenges for projects applying a GESI lens will be
prepared and disseminated to facilitate expanded In keeping with the promotion of a transformative
learning on how to apply a transformative approach, CIWA’s efforts to address and promote gender
approach within projects. and social inclusion will not be limited to engagement
and targeting of its own staff, country partners, and
Allocate financial and human resources for ongoing development partners. Achieving a transformation in
GESI support throughout the project cycle: As part of terms of overcoming gender inequality and social
the budgeting process for CIWA projects, funding will exclusion in the transboundary water context requires
be allocated to achieve GESI objectives. Budgeting will the establishment of, engagement with, a community of
also consider the need for GESI technical expertise to stakeholders who are committed to working together.
guide project design and implementation. Monitoring Working collectively with diverse stakeholders offers the
and evaluation exercises will incorporate GESI greatest potential to overcome some of the deeply-
seated obstacles that sustain inequalities and exclude
GESI capacity building: To facilitate a transformative women and other vulnerable populations from playing a
key role in improving in how transboundary water is
approach, the capacity building program will be managed. Anyone interested in advancing efforts to
targeted to staff and partners working across multiple address gender and social inclusion within the
sectors and activities. Targeted training and coaching
will be provided in cases where there is a need to transboundary water context can reach out to CIWA,
address specific GESI challenges. To ensure that GESI either at the Program level, or
learning is sustained, the program will plan and through the citizen engagement mechanisms built into
allocate the necessary resources to ensure regular the different CIWA-funded projects.
refresher training for staff and partners.
Apply GESI tools and resources throughout the 9. References
project cycle: planning, implementation and M&E:
GESI tools and resources will be shared with CIWA
staff and partners to facilitate their application as
part of the design, implementation and monitoring of Earle, A. and Bazilli, S. “A gendered critique of
the GESI dimensions of projects. Workshops that transboundary water management” February 6, 2013.
facilitate the direct application of tools to current Feminist Review.
project contexts will also be organized.
Fauconnier, I. Jenniskens, A. and Page, P. “Women as
Undertake stakeholder mapping to identify change-makers in governance of shared waters,” 2018,
vulnerabilities within target populations: CIWA’s International Union for the Conservation of Nature
approach to stakeholder engagement will identify
and document the vulnerable populations of Grown, C; Addison, T; and Tarp, F. Aid for Gender
relevance to the specific country or regional context Equality and Development: Lessons and Challenges.
where a project is operating. Challenges faced by Journal of International Development. March 14, 2016.
specific vulnerable populations will be identified
including strategies to respond to these challenges. International Development Research Center, “Gender
Equality.” April 2020.