Page 6 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework

             CIWA’s Gender Equality and

             Social Inclusion Framework

             1. Introduction: CIWA and Gender                   The strategy seeks to:

             Established  in  2010,  the  Cooperation  in  International
             Waters in Africa (CIWA) supports riparian governments  Build upon the lessons learned to enhance recognition
             to   strengthen   cooperative   management   and       of gender and social inclusion issues within the context
             development of water resources in sub-Saharan Africa   of transboundary water management;
             to  achieve  sustainable  climate-resilient  growth  and
             poverty reduction. As a Multi-Donor Partnership of the
             World  Bank,  CIWA  has  made  Gender  Equality  and   Provide the strategic focus required to scale up gender
             Social Inclusion (GESI) is a priority.                 equality and social inclusion across the different levels
             At  the  programmatic  or  institutional  level,  efforts  are  of CIWA’s work;
             focused on gender and governance to create an enabling
             environment  for  female  decision  makers  to  thrive,
             identifying  opportunities  for  women  to  participate  in  Articulate key action points for the CIWA program to
             leadership  positions  at  the  institutional  level  and  advance  gender  equality  and  social  inclusion  within
             providing  direct  support  to  CIWA’s  partners  to  enable  the transboundary water context; and
             them to mainstream gender and social inclusion into their
             work.  At  the  project  level,  CIWA  follows  the  project
             preparation  procedures  and  guidelines  set  out  by  the
             World  Bank  to  consider  gender  equality  and  social  Reinforce the World Bank Group’s own commitment
             inclusion throughout the project cycle.                to  gender  and  social  inclusion  as  articulated  in  its
                                                                    Gender Strategy (FY2016-2023).
             This  Gender  and  Social  Inclusion  Framework  has  been
             prepared as a living document to guide CIWA’s operations
             into  the  future  to  be  adapted  as  new  approaches  and  3. Concepts of Gender and Social
             lessons  learned  related  to  gender  and  social  inclusion
             emerge within the transboundary landscape.         Inclusion
             As part of CIWA’s commitment to ensure that gender and  Gender is:
             social inclusion are represented in all of its work, the GESI
             Framework  puts  forward  an  overarching  strategic
             approach  aligned  to  the  concept  of  transformation  that  About women, girls, men and boys including the
             facilitates  harmonized  and  integrated  approaches  to  different  things  that  women  and  men  think  and
             gender and social inclusion in all of CIWA’s work.     do, and the relationships between them.
             By  promoting  a  holistic  and  integrated  focus  on  women,  Social  Inclusion  assumes  that  men  and  women
             men, and other vulnerable populations, the Framework also  are not homogeneous. Instead, they are stratified
             seeks to ensure that CIWA’s investments in transboundary
             water management result in project outcomes that benefit  by age, ethnic origin, beliefs and practices, socio-
             all  women  and  men  as  well  as  girls  and  boys  associated  cultural  situations,  and  other  vulnerabilities.
             with the project. Targeted to CIWA staff, country partners,  Social  inclusion,  therefore,  involves  the  process
             and  development  partners,  the  strategic  Framework  of improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity
             highlights  key  action  points  related  to  genderand  social  of people who are disadvantaged on the basis of
             inclusionand transboundary water management that build  their identity to take part in society.
             upon analysis of lessons learned.
                                                                    By  making  this  distinction,  it  is  necessary  to
             The  GESI  Framework  is  aligned  to  the  World  Bank  target the specific disadvantage of either women
             Group’s commitment to addressing GESI as part of its   or men and to establish separate spaces for men
             overall  efforts  to  achieve  the  World  Bank’s  goal  to  and  women  while  ensuring  that  strategies  for
             create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. It also  gender  equality  engage  all  key  stakeholders  so
             takes  into  account  other  efforts  within  the  Bank  and
             through  other  organizations  to  promote  gender  and  that  the  broader  dimensions  of  social  inclusion
             social inclusion.                                      and vulnerability are adequately captured.
             2. Objective of the Framework                          Gender equality is about changing the norms and
                                                                    expectations  about  female  and  male  roles  and
             The  objective  of  the  CIWA  GESI  Framework  is  to  ultimately changing power relations by fostering
             mainstream gender and social inclusion considerations into  a  more  balanced  distribution  of  power  within
             CIWA’s  work  with  the  aim  of  catalyzing  transformative  governments,  companies,  formal  and  informal
             change to achieve sustainable gender equality and inclusion  institutions and households.¹
             in water resource management and development.

             ¹ World Bank Group Gender Strategy (2016-2023).
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