Page 5 - GESI Framework
P. 5

Table of contents

             Table of contents

                  1.  Introduction                                                                     03

                  2. Objective of the Framework                                                        03

                  3. Concepts of Gender and Social Inclusion                                           03

                  4. Lessons Learned                                                                   04
                  5. A Systematic Approach to Promote a Transformation within Gender and Social Inclusion  05

                  6. CIWA’s Transformative Approach and Actions                                        06

                  7. Update Since 2021 Framework Launch                                                08

                  8. How to Engage on GESI with CIWA                                                   08
                  9. References                                                                        08

                  10. Annexes                                                                          09

                   10.1 Annex 1 – Theory of Change and Indicators                                       10
                   10.2 Annex 2 – Update on Results                                                     11

                   10.3 Annex 3 – GESI-focused “View from the Field” Case Studies                       12

                      Abibata Ouattara: Access to Water for Women-led Farming is a Win for Communities  13

                      Asia Namusoke: Making a Difference for her Ugandan Community and the Climate      14
                      Matlhogonolo Mmese: An aspiring hydrogeologist in Botswana                        16

                      Male Champion Forum: Who Has the Power to Make decisions?”                        17

                      The Nile Basin’s Pioneering Approach to GESI                                      18

                      Training the Next Generation of Groundwater Specialists in the Sahel              19

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