Page 13 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework

             10. Annexes
                                                                                   CIWA results
             10.1 Annex 1—Theory of Change and Indicators

              Vision              Context                                Action                  Influence

                                                                    CIWA gathers and analyses  Decision-makers and
                                                                    quantitative data on      planners for regional WRM
                                                                    inequalities related to GESI to  and development have
                                                                    develop and disseminate   access to reliable, relevant,
                                                                    learning documents aimed at  and timely information
                                                                    guiding the development of  about gender inequalities
                                                                    equitable and inclusive solutions  that both effect and are
                                                                    for women and men from a  affected by the intersection
                                                                    diversity of backgrounds in  of potential investments and
                                                                    transboundary water resources  climate change, biodiversity,
                                                                                              livelihoods and other cross-
                                                                                              cutting issues.

                                                                    IRI1: Women in high- or medium-skilled and/or management positions
                                                                    trained in TWRM data use, information, or decision support systems.
                                                                    IRI2: Perception that CIWA training is useful and applicable to enable
                                                                    women's increased engagement in TWRM.

                                                                                             Increased capacity of
                                                                   Young female engineers,   transboundary institutions to
                                                                   hydrogeologists, etc are trained  adopt an integrated and
                               Patriarchal norms and               as part of participation in  comprehensive approach to
                                gender stereotypes                 internship and YP programs.  gender and social inclusion
           Equal and inclusive  reinforce gender inequality                                  Increased share of women in
           transboundary water   at the household,                 TBWRM institutions are
         institutions and programs  community, and work            supported to have policies and  technical and leadership
                                                                                             positions in transboundary
          in sub-Saharan Africa  levels, and discriminatory        plans that audits and monitors
          that are committed and  life experiences cause           their own internal work   water institutions.
           able to create equal   women to be                      environment and hiring,
          opportunities for women  underrepresented as             promotion, and retention  Improved enabling environment
                                                                                             for female staf in transboundary
          and men to be agents of  leaders and decision-           practices.                water institutions
             change and       makers in transboundary  Information
            decisionmakers in  water resources planning
           transboundary water  and development
              operations.       institutions. Without
                                addressing harmful                  IRI3: Activities incorporating explicit actions to challenge gender and
                              patriarchal norms women               social norms that increase women's representation and leadership in
                                                                    technical fields related to transboundary water resource management
                                 and men cannot                     and development.
                               participate equitably in
                              WRM fields, and gender-               IRI4: People trained on GESI in transboundary water resource
                                blind investments                   management and development.
                                 propagate these
                                                                    MSIOA, Climate Change
                                                                    Adaptation plans, or other
                                                                    multisector investment plans
                                                                    are partly based on gendered
                                                                    data on livelihoods, water uses,  Investment design and
                                                                                              implementation addresses the
                                                                    employment, and assets.
                                                                                              effects of inequalities related
                                                                                              to gender and social inclusion
                                                                    Investment design and plan is  on livelihoods employment,
                                                                    produced that incorporates  assets, time use, and social
                                                                    identification and prioritization
                                                                    criteria that are facilitate  norms.
                                                                    equitable input from female and
                                                   Investments      male stakeholders including
                                                                    from vulnerable populations.
                                                                    IRI5: Investments with improved stakeholder engagement explicitly
                                                                    supports the incorporation of GESI into the design and implementation
                                                                    of water management and development activities.

                 Vision              Context          Focus Areas                      CIWA Results

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