Page 15 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework

             GESI Technical Support to CIWA Partners           Videos
             (NELSAP-CU and ENTRO)

             CIWA  has  provided  direct  support  to  CIWA  partners  to  Ethiopia  Bisrat:  A  Water  Resources  Engineer  Story:
             mainstream  gender  as  another  way  to  foster  a    Ethiopia Bisrat, Water Resources Engineer from Ethiopia
                                                                    shares her experience as an ENTRO participant, how it
             transformative approach to tackling gender inequality and  built her capacity and helped define her career path.
             social inclusion. In addition to providing training on gender
             and social inclusion, NELSAP-CU, ENTRO and LVBC were   Woman  Engineer  Paves  the  Way  for  Groundwater
             coached on how to develop a costed Gender Action Plan  Access  in  Chongwe  district,  Zambia:  Eng.  Beatrice
             (GAP). The GAP will serve as a cornerstone to guide the  Kanyamuna-Pole,  Senior  Hydrogeologist,  in  the
                                                                    Department of Water Resource Development, Zambia
             efforts  of  each  organization  to  render  the  internal  work  shares  her  journey  as  a  woman  contributing  to  the
             environment  more  gender-responsive  and  family  friendly  water sector.
             thereby increasing the degree and level of participation of
             women  as  decision  makers  and  leaders  within  these  Young Women take Charge of Managing Africa’s Water
             institutions.  CIWA  also  supported  the  development  of  a  Resources:  Amna  Omer  used  to  be  the  Program
                                                                    Coordinator  of  Eastern  Nile  Technical  Regional  Office
             GESI  Mainstreaming  Strategy  for  SADC’s  Groundwater  (ENTRO),  a  CIWA-funded  internship  program.  She
             Management  Institute  (SADC-GMI)  which  has  been    believes  that  this  Internship  program  is  providing  a
             implemented since late 2021.                           unique opportunity and exposure to young people.
             Monitoring and Evaluation Work                         SIWI  Takeaway  Two:  Gender  and  Social  Inclusion:
                                                                    Watch  our  takeaway  series  video  on  the  CIWA
             Building  upon  the  findings  from  the  baseline  study  that  participation  to  World  Water  Week  2022  in
                                                                    Stockholm, Sweden.
             was conducted in 2020, CIWA is continuing to monitor
             and  assess  its  performance  in  terms  of  mainstreaming  International Woman Day 2022: Ellen Hagerman gives
             GESI into the programsand institutions that it supports. In  us an overview of CIWA’s engagements towards GESI:
             2022,  CIWA  commissioned  an  external  mid-term      In  advancing  more  elevated  professional  roles  for
                                                                    women in the transboundary water field today, senior
             evaluation  of  its  program,  which  favorably  assessed    gender  specialist  Ellen  Hagerman  points  to  the
             CIWA’s  effortsto  integrate  GESI  into  its  programming.  importance of positioning women as leaders.
             CIWA has developed a new GESI indicator and has also
             been providing input into the development of a case study
             being preparedby the Africa Regional Climate and Nature
             Programme ARCAN  Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning  Podcast
                                                                    Across the Pond podcast: conversation with Reginalda
             Communications and Awareness Raising                   Joseph:  Reginalda Joseph, Hydrogeologist, Ministry of
             Blogs                                                  Agriculture,  Water  and  Land  Reform,  Namibia  shares
                                                                    her journey as a woman in the water sector and explains
                                                                    how women can break the barriers. Listen to CIWA’s
                                                                    first exciting podcast.
                  Glass  half-full:  an  equal  share  for  women  in
                  decisions on 60% of the world’s freshwater: This
                  blog  was  published  for  International  Women’s  CIWA’s Male Champion’s For Women’s
                  Day 2024 with the theme of investing in women  Empowerment
                  to speed up gender equality.
                                                               The CIWA GESI Framework committed to actions aimed
                  CIWA  launches  Male  Champions  for  women’s  at  identifying  which  stakeholders  within  the  wider
                  empowerment  initiative  to  transform  gender  program  can  effect  changes  to  address  negative  social
                  inequalities  in  transboundary  waters:  This  blog
                  gives  an  overview  on  the  genesis  of  the  CIWA  norms  or  play  a  championship  role  in  encouraging
                  initiative launched in 2023: the Male Champions  women’s  active  participation  at  the  institutional  and
                  for Woman’s Empowerment.                     project  level.  In  June  2023,  CIWA  launched  a  pilot
                                                               initiative  entitled  the  Male  Champion  Forum  which  has
                  Leaving  no  one  behind,  reflections  on  CIWA’s  since  been  renamed  Male  Champions  for  Women’s
                  integration of a social inclusion perspective: This  Empowerment. This initiative has recruited a small group
                  blog includes reflections on efforts to integrate a  of  Male  Champions  to  take  actions  individually  and
                  social  inclusion  lens  into  CIWA’s  work  by  citing  collectively that seek to reduce gender inequalities. Aside
                  concrete examples.                           from taking actions within their own work environments,
                  Advancing towards a more gender equal world in  the  Male  Champions  have  participated  in  regular  virtual
                  transboundary water management in Sub-Saharan  meetings and a one-day capacity building and consultation
                  Africa:  This  blog  serves  as  a  reflection  of  the  session and have provided input into the preparation of a
                  experience of the GESI expert providing support  draft Action Plan and web site. For more information on
                  to CIWA programsand projects.                Male Champions for Women’s Empowerment, please go
                                                               to the web site link here.
                  On  the  International  Day  of  Rural  Women,
                  spotlighting  water  sector  projects  that  enhance  As the Forum moves out of the pilot phase, it is planning
                  African  women’s  participation  and  professional  an in-person meeting in 2024 to review its Action Plan and
                  development:  CIWA’s  GESI  expert  shares  her  to showcase its work more broadly. CIWA is also looking
                  insider’s perspective on designing and implementing  to recruit new Male Champions throughout the regions of
                  GESI principles and tools within the transboundary
                  water resources management context.          sub-Saharan  Africa  where  CIWA  operates.  If  you  are
                                                               interested  in  becoming  a  Male  Champion,  please  follow
                                                               the link to apply.

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