Page 20 - GESI Framework
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Gender Equality and social inclusion framework

             Male Champion Forum: Who has the power to make decisions?”

                                                               CIWA’s Male Champion Forum has the following goals:

             “Who has the power to make decisions?”                 Increase awareness about the critical role that men
                                                                    can  play  in  championing  gender  equality  in  the
                                                                    transboundary water context.
             Everyone in attendance knew the answer
             —men.                                                  Identify  actions  and  initiatives  that  Male
                                                                    Champions can take to advance gender equality in
                                                                    transboundary water institutions.
             “Women are seen as being in the rear seat,” said Donald  Facilitate opportunities for Male Champions to take
             Kasongi,  a  researcher  and  policy  analyst  from  Tanzania  individual  and  collective  action  to  promote
                                                                    opportunities  for  women  to  play  a  greater  role  in
             who  has  worked  for  years  to  mainstream  gender  in  decision making in transboundary water institutions.
             transboundary water resources management, including for
             eight  years  as  the  Secretary  General  of  the  CIWA-  Improve representation of women in decision making.
             supported Nile Basin Discourse.

             Kasongi  was  participating  in  the  Male  Champions  for
             Women’s  Empowerment  workshop  in  June  2023,  which  Along with the issue of representation, Gudina says, is the
             was  organized  by  CIWA  as  part  of  its  work  to  bring  a  need  for  more  women  to  enter  education  programs  in
             transformative gender lens to water resources management.  water  resources  management.  He  also  says  that  there
             The participants were chosen for their commitment to, and  should  be  a  stronger  professional  transboundary  water
             experience with, promoting gender equality.       network for women to advance their careers.
             CIWA has designed a pilot program to foster a cadre of  The  men  shared  their  reasons  for  joining  the  Male
             men to spur changes in social norms and values on gender  Champions for Women’s Empowerment.
             in transboundary water management and development, a
             sector that is dominated by men and strongly influenced by  Gebremichael candidly acknowledges that the promotion of
             patriarchal norms and values.                     gender equality has some benefits for men.

             CIWA believes that engaging men is key to transformative  “I want to engage in the CIWA Male Champions for Women’s
             change and that working directly with pioneering men can  Empowerment to empower women in the work environment.
             help  overcome  male  resistance  to  women  having  equal  They will help me share the work and projects.”
                                                               And,  he  says,  gender  equality  strengthens  communities.
             “The  issue  is  representation”  of  women  in  the  water  “The community always gives men all the responsibilities in
             sector, says Assefa Gudina, ENTRO’s gender focal point.   life,” he says. “If I am a male champion working for gender
                                                               justice, it makes the community a more powerful one. So,
             Dereje  Gebremichael  agrees.  “The  water  sector  is  male  let’s empower men to work toward gender equality.”
             dominated. It starts from the attitude of (male) leadership
             in RBOs,” says Gebremichael, a senior grants acquisition  Daniel Asrat, a monitoring and evaluation consultant in the
             and  planning  officer  for  the  Ethiopian  Orthodox  Church  Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy, says, “As a Male
             Development  and  Inter-church  Aid  Commission  who  Champion, I represent my three daughters. I represent my
             formerly  worked  for  Ethiopia’s  Ministry  of  Water  and  wife.  I  represent  my  sisters,  and  I  represent  my  female
             Energy.                                           neighbors.”

             In  the  context  of  patriarchal  cultural  and  social  norms,  The  participants  in  the  workshop  agreed  on  next  steps,
             women  are  stereotyped  as  being  only  water  users  rather  including  holding  monthly  meetings,  developing  a  plan  of
             than  also  as  people  who  should  have  autonomy  to  make  action for the initiative, launching a social media platform,
             decisions about water use and management.         and working to expand the network.

             CIWA Male Champions who participated to the pilot workshop in June 2023. ©CIWA

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