Page 37 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 37
CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment
Groundwater Groundwater Redesigning the monitoring network,
Management in Monitoring in the rehabilitating identified monitoring wells, Indicator 5.1 Mobilized
SADC Member Save Alluvial Aquifer installing real-time telemetric groundwater
States Phase 2 of Zimbabwe monitoring, and training technical staff.
Management in Water supply project Drilling three boreholes Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member in Congo Central, DRC.
States Phase 2
Sustainable Construction of
Groundwater Groundwater Identifying the location of existing boreholes
Management in Monitoring and Water and natural springs, drilling new boreholes, and Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member Supply Systems, capacity building for the communities on
States Phase 2 Lesotho sustainable use.
Groundwater Rehabilitation of 20
Management in existing monitoring Rehabilitating 20 monitoring wells Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member wells, Malawi
States Phase 2
Groundwater Enhancing Sustainable Promoting sustainable and coordinated
Management in Groundwater use in management of groundwater resources for Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member arid Southern Namibia improved livelihoods, ecosystem health, and
States Phase 2 /Karas Region economic development.
Sustainable Groundwater
Groundwater Development and A groundwater assessment studies project and
Management in Management of drilling exploratory boreholes, which will advise on Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member Nzunguni Aquifer, the development of safe and reliable sources for
States Phase 2 Tanzania augmenting water supply of Dodoma City.
Sustainable Mapping and
Groundwater Development at Identifying and characterizing aquifers in the
Management in Sumbwa Basic Scholl Sihumbwa area with sufficient productive Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member in Kazungula District capacity, determining water demand, and
States Phase 2 Southern Province – constructing production boreholes.