Page 34 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 34

CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

                              Fincha Integrated
              Nile Cooperation  Watershed       186,405 ha watershed management project;
              for Results Project  Management,  456,981 expected beneficiaries.      Indicator 2.4  Potential

                              Lelaitich Sub-
              Nile Cooperation  catchment       Supported the development of Catchment
              for Results Project  Management Plan  Management Plans in Mara sub-basin  Indicator 2.4  Potential

                                                Supported the development of Catchment
              Nile Cooperation  Middle
              for Results Project  Malakisi/Toloso SCMP   Management Plans in Mara sub-basin; 138,397  Indicator 2.4  Potential
                                                expected beneficiaries.

                                                Supported the development of Catchment
              Nile Cooperation  Ol Chorro Lemek
              for Results Project  SCMP         Management Plans in Mara sub-basin; 14,148  Indicator 2.4  Potential
                                                expected beneficiaries.

                              Restoration of the
              Nile Cooperation  Kerib lands in Gedarif  Reducing soil erosion in 181,607 ha wetlands
              for Results Project  State along the Upper  management plan in Eastern Sudan; 66,614  Indicator 2.4  Potential
                              Atbara River-Sudan  expected beneficiaries.

                                                Establishing and operationalizing a regional
              Nile Cooperation                  hydrological monitoring system to provide
              for Results Project  Regional Hydromet  more reliable data and information for water  Indicator 5.4  Potential
                                                resources management.

                                                Strengthening the legal, policy, institutional,
              Nile Cooperation                  and regulatory framework for sustainable
              for Results Project  LEAF Project  management of natural resources and  Indicator 5.4  Potential
                                                protection of the environment

              Nile Cooperation  Multipurpose Water  Irrigating 4,000 ha; hydropower 0.1 MW; storage
              for Results Project  Resources    66.9 MCM                             Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Development Project

              Nile Cooperation  Nyimur Multipurpose
              for Results Project  Water Resources  Irrigating 6,000 ha              Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Development Project

                              Shared Angololo
              Nile Cooperation  Multipurpose Water
              for Results Project  Resources    Irrigating 2,500 ha, storage 13MCM   Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Development Project

              Nile Cooperation  Multipurpose Water  Irrigating 1790 ha; 28,398 expected
              for Results Project  Resources    beneficiaries                        Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Development Project

              Nile Cooperation  Multipurpose Water  Irrigating 12,474 ha, supplying water to 614,200
              for Results Project  Resources    people                               Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Development Project

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