Page 32 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 32

CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

                             5.1 Develop water monitoring and information systems                   14

                             5.2 Provide WRM training and expertise to RBOs to improve climate-resilience of
                             water systems                                                          28

                             5.3 Develop and implement equitable arrangements for sharing water resources
                             between competing demands (agriculture, hydropower, industry, and household)  7

                             5.4 Incorporate climate-related factors (e.g., changes in precipitation, temperature,
                             runoff, evapotranspiration) in hydromet forecasts, total/seasonal water availability,  9
                             and water demand and storage planning
              5. General water,
               sanitation, and
              flood protection  5.5 Incorporate climate-related water cycle changes into national and transboundary  6
                   and       water basin planning
                             5.6 Design and implement conjunctive management strategies for groundwater and
                             surface water that incorporate climate-related water cycle changes     5

                             5.7 Provide supplemental irrigation, multi-cropping systems, drip irrigation, leveling,
                             and other approaches and technologies that reduce the risk of large crop failures  5

                             5.8 Establish core protected areas and buffer zones to safeguard biodiversity and
                             ensure the sustainable use of water to meet livelihoods needs during droughts  2

                             5.9 Fill in climate change-related data gaps that hinder policy formulation and
                             implementation                                                         20

                             6.1 Improved physical safety of irrigation dams will secure food production systems,
                6. Dam safety  improve the climate resilience of the hydraulic infrastructure network including dams,  3
                             and reduce the risk of inundation downstream due to dam failure

                             7.1 Drought risk management and development of regional efforts on drought  2

               7. Drought risk  7.2 Introduction of digital solutions and innovative financial instruments such as
               management    drought insurance                                                       1

                             7.3 Modernization of the management of strategic food reserves for improving  1
                             resilience to droughts

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