Page 36 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 36
CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment
Sustainable Exploring deep aquifers by drilling a 100m deep
Groundwater Water Supply project borehole, equipping the borehole with a
Management in in Chimbiya, Dedza motorized electric pump, delivering the water to Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member District, Malawi 10 communal-style distribution points around
States Phase 1 the community, culminating in supplying water to
approximately 15,000 people in Chimbiya.
Transformation of a
Sustainable dispersed Source in
Groundwater Water Supply System
Management in and Promotion of Installing a submersible pump powered by a Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member Hygiene and solar panel to supply water to 2,000 people.
States Phase 1 Sanitation,
Sustainable Groundwater Identifying and characterizing a local aquifer in the
Groundwater Mapping and Chongwe area with sufficient productive capacity
Management in Wellfield to be used for settlement-level water supply and Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member Development in to develop a wellfield to supplement the existing
States Phase 1 Chongwe District, wellfield developed by the LWSC.
Sustainable Rehabilitation of the
Groundwater existing Council
Management in borehole (BH 2813) Rehabilitating a borehole Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member through technical
States Phase 1 assessments,
Groundwater Rehabilitation of Dite
Management in and Whunga Rehabilitating two boreholes Indicator 2.2 Mobilized
SADC Member Community Water
States Phase 1 Supply Projects
Sustainable Innovating approaches for improving
Groundwater Improving knowledge knowledge on groundwater resources in the
Management in on groundwater country and capacitating managers and Indicator 5.1 Mobilized
SADC Member availability, Eswatini relevant stakeholders in groundwater
States Phase 2 monitoring
Sustainable Acquiring real-time data for effective
Groundwater groundwater management by equipping 10
Management in Groundwater representative monitoring wells in the main Indicator 5.1 Mobilized
SADC Member Monitoring, Mauritius aquifers with automatic data loggers and
States Phase 2 telemetry system.
Sustainable Groundwater
Groundwater Assessment of Assessing groundwater availability in study
Management in Machangulo Region, area in Phase I and constructing infrastructure Indicator 5.1 Mobilized
SADC Member Matutuine District, for water supply in Phase II.
States Phase 2 Mozambique
Review and Update
Groundwater of Hydrogeological
Management in Map Series and Producing a synoptic overview of the Indicator 5.1 Mobilized
SADC Member Information Brochure hydrogeological character of an area.
States Phase 2 Polokwane Area,
South Africa