Page 35 - CIWA Climate Resilience & Mitigation Assessment
P. 35

CIWA Climate Resilience & mitigation Assessment

                                                The project involves water supply and fisheries
                              Integrated Fisheries  management along a 629 km length of the
              Nile Cooperation  and Water Resources  Jebel Awelia reservoir, two-thirds of which are
              for Results Project  Management of  in Sudan and one-third is in South Sudan.  Indicator 2.2  Potential
                              Jebel-Awlia-Renk-  NELSAP completed project identification and is
                              Malakal Project   mobilizing funds for Transboundary Diagnostic
                                                Analysis and Feasibility Studies for the project.

              Nile Cooperation  Water Harvesting in
              for Results Project  the gash Delta,   274,978 expected beneficiaries  Indicator 2.2  Potential

                                                Integrating the National Geoscience
                              Integration of    Information system (NIGIS) database model
              Nile Cooperation  Groundwater Resource  with the HydroGeo Analyst (HGA), load all the
              for Results Project  Data Management  data from NIGIS (Water modules) into HGA,  Indicator 5.1  Mobilized
                              System, Botswana  and develop a web-based application to
                                                access the HGA customized solution.

              Groundwater     Expansion of a    Expanding the existing groundwater monitoring
              Management in   National Groundwater  network to form a comprehensive nationwide  Indicator 5.1  Mobilized
              SADC Member     Monitoring Network,  network for the support and guidance of
              States Phase 1  Lesotho           groundwater management activities in Lesotho.

              Groundwater     Review and Update of  Updating the Hydrogeological Map of Namibia
              Management in   the Hydrogeological  (completed in 2001), through the updating of  Indicator 5.1  Mobilized
              SADC Member     Map, Namibia      recent project findings and newly available
              States Phase 1                    data from GROWAS II.

              Groundwater     Groundwater       Drilling five wells for monitoring of water levels in
              Management in   Management in the  the recommended area spread out across the  Indicator 5.1  Mobilized
              SADC Member     Kimbiji Aquifer   predicted drawdown areas between the two wells
              States Phase 1  System, Tanzania  fields to supplement existing observation wells.

              Groundwater     Groundwater       Characterizing the aquifer system and setting
              Management in   monitoring network  up a groundwater monitoring network system  Indicator 5.9  Mobilized
              SADC Member     system in Greater  in Greater Harare.
              States Phase 1  Harare, Zimbabwe

              Sustainable     Monitoring and
              Groundwater     Management of     Generating data and information about the
              Management in   Groundwater Supply  occurrence of groundwater to increase water  Indicator 2.2  Mobilized
              SADC Member     in the Municipality of  availability for human supply and productive
              States Phase 1  Caimbambo, Angola  activities.

              Groundwater     Monitoring and    Reactivating a groundwater monitoring system
              Management in   Installation of Solar-  that from climate change and drought was  Indicator 2.2  Mobilized
              SADC Member     Powered Pumps at  converted into the water supply system.
              States Phase 1  Selected Localities,

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