Page 41 - CIWA-AR24
P. 41
East Africa
8th NCCR internship cohort working on the theme “Eastern Nile Water Resources Assessment: Situation Analysis” in partnership with the Nile Secretariat,
Kampala, Uganda. ©ENTRO / NCCR
Development of Dam Information services A two-day NB-DAS user community
Inventory Database forum was conducted to introduce
for climate-resilient
Data on dams has been collected as technical teams in member states to
part of the dam inventory using investment planning ongoing activities that are leveraging freely
traditional methods and remote available global data sets, which was
detection techniques. The development CCR is enabling the NBI to attended by 264 water experts and
of the Nile Dams Database, a WebGIS expand its data and analytics experts on modeling, agriculture, Earth
database for all dams in the basin, will services (NB-DAS) for climate-resilient Observation, remote sensing (RS), and
ultimately systematically compile and water resources management and energy. Technical trainings were held in
organize this data. investment planning. The NB-DAS builds Burundi and Rwanda on Python and R
on the data platform originally used to software for water resources and climate
create the NBI’s Decision Support System data analysis attended by 31 people
(DSS). Work in FY24 focused on (seven women). Multi-day training was
performing stakeholder needs provided to further strengthen the
assessments and providing capacity analytical capacity of NBI staff and
building on tools and data types. NB-DAS member state water resources experts on
user needs assessment workshops were the use of QGIS for accessing, interpreting,
conducted in the DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, and analyzing Earth Observation datasets.
Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and The training attended by 27 people (six
Uganda to validate the inception report, women) demonstrated various
which includes stakeholder consultation data-related components of a GIS, such
feedback, typology for decision making, as data models, data input, data editing,
data catalogue, IT scoping, and an NB-DAS data visualization, metadata, and
concept and implementation plan. geographic database management.